Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Meet Rebecka and Steward (drug addicts) Life on the Streets ( London, England)

Meet Rebecka and Steward (drug addicts) Life on the Streets (The Strand London)

I met Steward for the first time couple of months ago. I bumped into him again yesterday. This time he was with his girlfriend Rebecka who is a drug addict (crack cocaine) Check this out!

 here with Rebecca and Stewart Stewart is featuring my Vlogs for the second time the first Vlog in the descriptions how you've been well basically I'm not gonna lie to you has been hard been on the streets on and off I've been on the streets for six years yeah on and off for my life since my dad died yeah and I've got mental health problems um been sectioned a few times um it's been hard but do you know what makes you stronger yeah sometimes you do get look at that's upon a lot yeah you get lots of fun all the time yeah sometimes you get abuse people spitting at you people taking your seats yeah people kick people kick all the time yeah sometimes unless we get moved on where we sleep yeah we sleep we sleep but Waterloo yeah the security always moves us always slamming doors in your back wake up wake up go YouTube and we get we do get discriminized all the time sometimes we get looked after sometimes we don't it depends on it really who cares what I mean this coat was given to me the other day because I just felt dealt with them you know hey but I'm a street breakfast I'm rough I'm ready for it you know yeah he's actually at the bathroom at the moment because he's had a form of a breakdown but yeah I've ended up in in London alcoholism my parents were drinkers themselves

West Africa

the system's broken I'll pay tax all my life in the UK yeah all in the UK I ran an events company big company [Music] oh [Music]

these hats we lost we've lost everything you know we do know what me and him together man in the strong together so how did you guys meet we met to be honest just over across the road there

you back around the doorway over there and uh I'll see her in the doorway and I asked her a little one question and she said yeah I can help you out and then that was it about an hour late she said oh you can come and stay in my doorway you know what I mean and then that's it we've been together since

two years two years yeah two years but apart from that and then we moved to another doorway because let's move away from the Strand so we block all my stuff moved to always over to Trafalgar Square with another little doorway and then come and taking all that stuff and then we're giving a 10. and then he wants to know anyway I'm Stuart yeah he's already out of he's already had a video of me yeah I'm gonna put my hands on stand at you now obviously I've been through a bad life I've been up and down the roads on the in and out of the woods yeah yeah I've had a drug habit in the past yeah my bad habit is spice yeah I've got a bad addiction on spice I'm trying to come away from it now I'm on the streets at the moment homeless sitting outside shop doorways Here There and Everywhere getting nowhere in London I've been here a year now on this strand I'm getting no help nothing I had connections come up to me outside the prep the other day they were so worried so so concerned about me took my number and said they're going to send out an Outreach people and still to this day now three days later I've had no one come and see me no one come and see me nothing I've got Crohn's disease I've got Crohn's disease where I'm going to have a chronic across the v-bag soon I've got mental health problems yeah I've got serious problems with my bowels you know what I mean I have to go toilet all the time [Music]

she could be pharmaceutical to like legal Heights it could be from medication doctors or it could be street street drugs and it's an addiction personality disorder we can go one drug to any drug it's a vicious circle and we're not on and off 12 13 years so it could be tablets like downers from the doctor yeah or it could be uppers from the streets it could be anything all right so the doctors give you like downers yeah but she gives you highs and the doctors gives you dance but if you I'm not gonna lie to you the tablet is what a doctor gives you if you don't take them if you take them with water and swallow them normal they affect you normally but if you get like tablets like pre-gabs and Valium and if you take them and Chomper eat them just eat them and get you so high at your head it's mad and then doctors give you that the doctors give you that if you eat them they get you are so high out your head you're buzzing at your head all day if you just swallow them normally normally they just hit you as your medication how it's meant to but if you eat them and Chomp them it [ __ ] gets you what rocking that you read and that's what the doctors give you that's what the doctors to replace the heroin got an amphetamine I'm fat that's what I've got addicted to for 12 years yes in 12 years I've got a sections that induced psychosis yeah strong induced psychosis

hearing voices cutting herself up and all sorts Center do Lally now she's getting a bit well yeah and now she's got a bit well and she's come away from all them Drugs near enough yeah she's slightly only on a little bit of crack now she's got problems with her kidneys got kidney stones yeah she's very ill she's of kidneys swollen up probably the drugs the drugs the drugs drugs


the the world you just trapped into things you know you know it's hard you know not gonna lie to you I every time I get my money sometimes I get a bit of drugs now we put ourselves in hotels and stuff or cheap um cheap hostels you know but that's what we do because obviously I'm poorly and there was the money we make or we do do it I know we put ourselves into cheap cheap cheap BNB or hostel yeah so what if I give you some money you know you spend it on drugs no we won't no remember today I'm all right today I'm fine today today I'm actually okay I've been up since I've been nine o'clock this morning and I've just come out to own a bed and breakfast because I've been in a bed and breakfast for two days babe let me finish today's the day for us to get a bed and breakfast so we can go and get washed you know what I mean we ain't had a wash for days no


Andrew s

um his name's Dave isn't it

never mind so he went back home yeah yeah he's gone back on


I mean so there's somebody who wants him to help you yes yes 100 yes please yes thank you and thank you for listening and watching this guy he can he understands and I appreciate it thank you so well what's your phone number what's your problem I got my number please what's my number

thank you so much God bless you sir thank you join it on that do you want a number on that yeah 079 three five six four three four double six


subscribe foreign yeah

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Sunday, February 26, 2023

Meet Mack Jehu - hip-hop artist from London - People of London

 Meet Mack Jehu - hip-hop artist from London - People of London.Mack Jehu formerly known as Mack Jay is a HipHop Artist/Lyricist from South Ldn also part of Just terrific/PeoplesArmy. .



Vlog in text:
all right folks we are here with hip-hop Legend from London mag jehu how are you I'm good my brother how are you not too bad man not too bad good to see you yeah we met in Matthews we're doing this out here you know we did that back home man respect my brother I like that

yeah so how was life I've seen you performing recently a lot so yeah mom and your new single is out also what are you saying goes this is like a single EP it's got about three tracks on there it's called um never saw it coming never saw it coming you can find their own old digital platform my Jay who never saw it coming yeah produced by um smooth flow and there's two remixes on there produced by Angela who's also part of a hip-hop Collective called People's Army which I'm a part of as well so make sure you go and check that out man if you love that real hip-hop yeah I mean can you tell us how did you get to into hip-hop because I know you've been in the industry for quite a long time I mean how I got it to hip-hop was really like my mom my mom used to play a lot of hip-hop Tunes in the house when I was little so she paid the party shoes like people like Naughty by Nature Heavy D and MC Hammer LL Cool J so a lot of the party choose from the 90s like the early 90s right so yeah as time went on as I as I was getting older getting into like 12 11 I started getting into people listening to people like Ice Cube two pack the list goes on there's so many different names that I can't really tell you there's a specific rapper or artist or sing by that so made me want to do it but I would say that it was around the time when Tupac was in his prime in 96 and I was about 11 years old and then you've been in London yeah that time and she told me that your your parents come from Ghana yes yeah my parents are from Ghana yeah and my mom was born here she um she went back to Ghana when she was two years old with my grandparents who had her over here and when she came out when she was 17 she had me you know I mean so yeah I mean actually I think she had me when she was 19 actually yeah but she still was didn't expose you to like afrobeats but there was a hip-hop that was served in your in your household you know what there was the afrobeats is now what you call afrobeats back then was was under a different name so because I'm going in we have a genre called highlights High Life music is basically on the music that was made in Ghana around the time when I believe um Mexicans were there Mexicans and other soldiers came to Ghana before the independence and they sort of brought a genre called High Life music Mexican soldiers I think they were Mexican or around that sort of okay that's what I found out recently all right and they brought

yeah sauce on it and made it their own so highlife music's basically the music that was played in my household my stepdad would play High Life music um my mom wasn't really the one that would play high life but hip-hop just wants the hip-hop the r b and my stepdad was into a lot of roots reggae so you know a lot of people like um Bob Marley Peter Tosh um Burning Spear um Dennis Brown so my householders was always um it's a lot of music in your life in general in a musical household where there was all types of jungles of music played in the household I see and you grew up in that environment and music was your thing music was my thing man and you know as time went on I found out that even my dad's side of the family my biological Dad decided the family did music as well my my uncle was a DJ and a promoter and he's been doing it for years I I have a cousin who also Once Upon a Time rapped she she she she used to rap as well she's done songs with quite a lot of um legendary people in Ghana all right the music runs in your blood he runs in my blood man I am music and I live music you know I feel like even like I'm a true representation of hip-hop because I was I was buffed into hip-hop at a young age eight years old I think one of the most prominent artists because you don't really hear about hip-hop I would surprise you like yeah I'm a Hip-Hop Hip-Hop Hip-Hop is a kind of the thing from the past at the moment in it yeah yeah yes it's true I don't know it's like the you don't hear I'm A hip-hop fan now anymore anything like that I think it was a My Generation My Generation that's this kind of genre of music and we're talking about what a night is really in the 90s I was born in the 80s but yeah the beginning of the 90s and carry on how how much is the USA in influencing your style because they they begin hip-hop aren't they a lot man but a lot of people don't actually know that there was a there was a there was a hip-hop force in the UK yeah I remember you telling me that in the past around the same time but it's just that it's more of an underground scene so because it's an underground scene and it's not mainstream a lot of people either don't realize it or know about it but it's not talked about a lot but that's what really talked about so can you mention some names the British hip-hop skinny man you got Rodney P you've got um who else have you got there's so many different names I'm trying to think of different names Swiss Smiler um Stylo black twang but they never really made it like on to the top did they no there was a point there was a point there was a point these guys were the guys in hip-hop Kalashnikov check them out man these are like dope dope dope dope dope dope right science that really dealt with them with with the lyrical skills that really pushed UK hip-hop at the full front and I feel like there's even people that logic and low-key who sort of like brought the Consciousness to to the to the to the um hip-hop scene in the UK well I think what it was is obviously um I think what I honestly think is that um hip-hop in the UK didn't get the push that it did like it did in America so you know it was because already that the UK's known before that genres like jungle and um reggae so jungle and reggae and garage and house music from what I can from what I can remember growing up because obviously there's always artists way before my generation and I'm sure they would probably tell you more than I can tell you I don't remember that hip-hop's been around for like over 50 years now yes it was the 50th birthday of hip-hop I believe early this month

would you say British hip-hop has its own sound 100 man and we have and we have our own twine money we we talk how we how we talk is how we spit meaning how we rap yeah so um I believe that you know what you can also talk about about about um UK hip-hop is that it's not even just there's so many there's so many subgenres within rap in the UK so we have grime and I will feel that right I feel like all these all these genres of rap are like um are like cousins and nephews of each other you have um we've got Grime you have garage we have jungle we had um what else do we have well there's so many different ones and even within the the Dark Soul culture the the UK Dark Soul culture um reggae the the the how the the the the garage garage as well um funky house all of these genres is what has made what the UK Urban scene is now I believe I believe all these genres that has been made over the years is what made the scene even even even in in the current times we're in right now the most commercial sound music right now the most mainstream sound music right now that a lot of the youngsters are gravitating to now is drill and UK rap right and um also um yeah afro swinging afrobeats in there so I think I think like you know I feel like we're all all these genres are all related to each other it's just like our human means yeah we mix and we take a bit of that mix it up we like that is like music to me music to me is like cooking if you want if you want the perfect suit you're going to add a bit of this a bit of that you might you might meet someone and then they might do something a lot different to you yeah you know what I like that taste of that soup I wanna I wanna add that soup to maybe what I do yeah that's what music is all about it's about sharing sharing your your Styles and and and and and and ways of doing music and collaborating and maybe um you might bring something to bring something to each other that might just change the whole world of culture yeah I believe this culture in music oh yeah music is part of culture it's part of culture and I believe that's the powerful thing so yeah man I mean for me music is everything to me man I live in breathe Music Man I mean so the reason why I do I chose hip-hop is because that's all I've known sit from it from a young age when I was eight years old that's a jolly music I went into so Mark you see what do you think I know the the Caribbean influence was historically very strong in England but now is is the African influence which is bigger now in London African above is it's both both Germans coming together really I think it's just I just think it's yes it's more like the African sound is more of the thing that's going on right now but I think it's something I think we're all one people man I think it's just it's always been there it's just that the African sound the afrobeats wasn't prominent within it was more Caribbean music

um Dark Souls are all part of the contribution to afrobeats now because you can hear even if you listen to some afrobeat tunes you can hear a little bit of Dark Soul in there yeah a little bit of Reggae in there so to me black music is black music man I mean it whether it's r b whether it's reggae whether it's afrobeats to me we're all one big family and I think that's the beautiful thing about music right now can you recognize very quickly like black music or white music what would be that song that is just being played I mean right now this song being played right now is probably um a soul song originally I can imagine

sounds like yeah yeah you can recognize this black music but some people sound you know some white people can sound black and some black and sounds more white but only to certain extent I would say oh that was cool because like we have a we have white artists that are that are off-white origin that do black music and that's cool man yeah it's cool what do you think about hip-hop because that's like pretty much 50 50 I would say it's not entirely black but not why the music hip-hop it's like originally I would say it's black music it was over the years you know a lot of people who love the music so much they've they've they've they've they have their own take on it right so there's a lot of different people it doesn't really matter what color you are to be honest hip-hop's not a thing where they say that yeah because it's black music you can't do it because you're not black I don't believe that I believe that um if you're adult for what you do yeah and you can spit some adult bars to make some great songs you represent that hip-hop stuff but yeah you can do it as well like you know what I'm saying like I mentioned skinny man there's a lot of adult rappers from over here in the UK all right he was British well he's yeah it's English yeah English guys so you've got a skinny man you've got Chester P um in the grime scene you've seen you've got Devlin and then there's this rapper called Potter paper I mean these guys you know I mean obviously you know what I mean obviously part of paper I think he's um it might be I think he's half algera and half Irish but it doesn't matter what it's not really about um the color I think it's about how dope is my hair a rapper if I hear a rapper and this guy is spitting some dope stuff and I like it I'm not thinking about I'm not thinking about the Conor yeah well it just was just a question because some music is like people think this is this is black music this is white music yeah but yeah I think music's music in the other day like I said all genres of music are all related to each other and even rock music what I mean you'd be surprised mom well there's not that many but fun enough there's not that many heavy metal or metal bands that are black in it it's just it's not there's no so why is new people music really like heavy metal and all that well originally it was black music it wasn't as well you give it up very quickly but yeah but you know it's just one of those things where obviously music is All About Love isn't it what it does for you what it does for your soul yeah as as somebody said live without a music would be a mistake 100 it doesn't matter it doesn't matter who you are short or Rich poor when that's when your favorite song comes on right now I'm glad that I have that interview you know in the music we're talking about music yeah when when you when that music you love comes on it doesn't matter what color you are man oh yeah no it doesn't matter what color you are it's it's the love you have for that song you like it and that's what this song does for you that's right it's a beautiful industry and everybody can make it that's what I'm trying to say that's what I love about music you know what I love about music there might be four or five people they might not even like each other when that song comes on can't help it yeah no I mean because I saw I saw some of your your Geeks online and you really bring the crowds and you can move the crowds I think you've got potential and uh you you like upcoming artists but you really like really making it you're an advantage there I've seen like well there was a couple hundred people there on that geek yeah that was um that was um the skinny man show what was it okay right look him up man he's a legend in this I've seen the pictures of the scary remember yeah the older guy white guy he's a legend in this thing or someone I really look up to I see yeah he's definitely like showed me a lot of love he brought me on tour with him last year he um he also co-signed me on stage at the Jazz Cafe and another hip-hop artist he passed away two years ago there's an article time check him out as well he died about two years ago and he has this show called um I think it's I'm trying to remember from the top of my head something about past the torch that's it that's the torch and he's at the Jazz Cafe so what they made sure the hip-hop Community made sure is that they would continue and represent what time was doing when he was alive and that torch was passed to me at that show all right so yeah so that means quite a lot to me and the fact that skinny man came out himself and said this is the future of UK hip-hop you know what I'm saying and um yeah Matt Jay obviously that was my artist name before like Jay I've had so basically let me break it down when I started rapping I was no I was known as Mac J it's time went on I changed it to Matt J Who there's a lot of reasons why I changed the name people still call me Matt J to this day but it's cool man yeah yeah but Matt J who's more like getting into my roots

because some names are like too long

what would you say to aspiring artists who wants to become a hip-hop artist what would you say to them I mean I'm so I'm still trying to do my thing man I mean all I can say to you is um just if you don't have love for it man you have love for it you're passionate about it um just keep at it man study man study study study the art from study the culture but more importantly study the business side as well I think when I was coming when I was coming up when I was younger that's one thing I didn't really focus on and I think it's important to study the business as much as you love the art form mostly remember it's also a business so study the business side of things and um this this is this this music thing is nothing overnight thing man you know I mean there's this because you've been how many years in the industry well you know I wouldn't even say the industry I would say more like the the music scene because the industry to me is more like the you know like more like you're out there out there I'm I'm I feel like I'm getting there I feel like in the underground scene right people sort of because you do a lot of like open mics don't you I don't even do open Match anymore that's how I met you know yeah yeah I mean yeah you met with open mind but I don't even do that thing anymore I feel more like shows yeah but yeah I mean for what I could say is that yeah my name is getting out there in the underground scene I'm grateful for it I've done a lot of um stuff that I didn't be able to do I performed at jazz cafe I've performed that scholar I've performed that places I've performed like big venues that people who've never heard of my name before sort of recited my songs back yeah I must be a feeling man it's a great feeling so to me I feel like I've been doing it for a long time I started rapping in 2004 so there's been ups and downs but you don't let those ups and downs stop you you keep going all right and how people can find you on the line well you can find my music on All Digital platforms if you type in m-a-c-k-j-e-h-e that's Mac JHU and you can follow me on all social media sites under the same name Matt J here so m-a-c-k j-e-h-e um there will be some new music coming from me very soon I just signed the media Services still with Federal media so um yeah so this is going to be a lot more stuff coming from Pharaoh media and my record label just terrific just terrific so look out for just terrific as well follow the just terrific um Instagram page as well if you can and yeah that's it for me man well thanks for the interview yeah man I wish you all the best yeah man and I see you soon again definitely my brother

#hiphop #rap #music #rapper #trap #beats #hiphopmusic #newmusic #producer #artist #love #dance #rapmusic #rnb #dj #art #hiphopculture #explorepage #soundcloud #spotify #rappers #freestyle #musicproducer #youtube #bhfyp #beatmaker #instagood #s #musician #follow

Meet Peter - autistic artists - People of London


i met Peter couple of months ago while being on Croydon's high street where Peter sells jewellery. Now I came back to see his studio. Please subscribe to my channels

Vlog in text:

Folks we are here with Peter in his studio in Croydon this is your your kingdom I understand this is my calf basic that you said when he wrote him right it's my little children to say all right and how you've been have you sold many many jewelry um actually my mate coming or noon mate that came with a friend of mine an old friend yesterday and I was like as I said two you know as well as making music she's like what is yourself change next but let me see a thing so instantly he got a team for 10 pounds and then he was coming to teach your work with me I hope in this week that's the place I'm on Advertising some guy even said to me uh oh I want to come my son does music this is my my um postage it's this kind of QR code I think directly to my link where you can purchase studio time cool man let's

okay now get this I can even turn my heater off Alexa turn off heater now my heater is quite old so this is the trick it's not Alexa powered you get a plug that is Alexa powered and plug that into the plus socket and name the plug whatever the product is that you plug into it you're going somewhere you see you've got a set of drums as well that's my um

around your studio um this is my mixer here


my company and um then I've got my drum kit which is for my band basically I put up a sec that's your original track Yeah so basically this is my jumper for my band and then I've got um I love my gaming console I must admit so Peter did you say you pretty much since you've been 15 you've been in a like care many many 14 15 yeah in different like hostels but there's always when I was 15 I left um

going to hospital basically because I was like went to study high schools one top 10 schools in Britain but to be honest I didn't see the top ten also fights to put myself a gun for a knife snap some of my fingers off please come and I was with a rebel and it's quite funny donut in a piece itself and it went bang what happened I'm making a window hands up but I did so don't worry about it I was a little bit of myself but alrighty I went on to go after that for like five years

it I went out after that for five years all right what would you suffer from autism ADHD while being inside hospital they said I've got PD which is personality disorder but I just squeezed that but the funny thing is I've been told most people too when they have it so that's kind of a funny one variety the main autism and ADHD so my autism give me a kick as you know in music I'm a filming photographic animation gaming anything technology and media based it's on the ADC if I'm playing football and everyone's tired the prices started why all the time for so this is my gaming system when I love gaming I must met on my game as well as a music guy and a tech guy so then I've got my midi keyboard which is actually foldable believe it or not so I can take it whatever just fold up and take whatever I want so when I put with my band makes this move everything let me go my laptop even synced to my computer like I've seen my everything on my laptop is synced to my computer everything's gonna be synced to my laptop it's worked for VPN basically this is a bit of it thing I've got my focus right 20 I no 18 18 I20 and it's like for N8 Channel input it's like a little more band with my drums the the keyboard their bass guitar and then my live mixer my powerk speakers are a dream that they're probably quite a sound when you pay a lot of the base C I've heard it's a sub worth so I'm trying to get a subwoof as well this is my Daw Ableton which is beautiful um edit music on and for making music on and recording artists that I work with and I visit my website as well which is on my other screen and it'll be my third screen is my company as my TV for I'm gonna do gravity signs you want to see the graphics and quite big I basically use my TV to get good graphics from 4K and yeah that's basically it my little work for it and music and photography and also for filming photography like what what um vlogger blogger does I'm basically doing a similar thing that's a gimbal Yep this is for um my um video stream for music videos and stuff so hopefully I can do that with some artists so let's see what happens so you're looking for an artist I'm going to record them first once I record them if I like what they do I'm hoping to do music videos with them and put them out in the industry and then you said about you being autistic can you what what place you are on the spectrum because I noticed that I might say what they call High functions I'm not on the Asperger's aside I'm not a specialist but I'm more than that side but they're they're high function as like what like you and I but autism is that I can't understand certain things but as I can't get qualifications because of my lens it's really based on autism music computers gadgets where's my learning disability so I can't study at school or college because I might because I've got no qualification because of my disability but give me a computer I'm on it give me media I'm on it give me like a good camera I can do gadgets I'm just gifted with something that I've never learned at school so or College and I see that as a gift for autism even my doctor said it's all your autism you can't understand certain things but you but you're really talented more than anyone else I've known so it's a pretty good thing to have autism you can use it even with autism has a gift so to be honest I'm looking to a um documentary that I hope it comes out hopefully this year or next year called The Gift of autism that'd be about me yeah the gift of autism only the documentary about the review or the other guy that I know is just filming one of the other but obviously if you can tag team you saw it it's up to you but I wanted a documentary called gift of autism so I hope you look out for that guys [Music]

so thanks for the interview and I'll see you next time well I'm going to spend the day with me

bye see you soon okay well I think you want to say something else um I'm basically two days Productions AKA two Blaze Pizza thistle so look out for me on Spotify um any digital platform Apple music Amazon YouTube I've got my website called tblazeproductions.co.uk so check that out and for those who want to do your time it's 35 pounds for one hour 60 pound for two hours 90 pounds for three hours 150 for the whole day what a bargain look at that yeah definitely a lot of what you offer it's a good price definitely I might use your studio myself

Nadan Homeless from India - Life on the Streets -London, England


Vlog in text:

hi folks we are here with nadan who's been on the Streets of London for how long now long time sometimes long time means coming the proper carrier don't have proper career I give veggies I give room rent to get credit I am greedy people I am a drinking means and night time only dinner only drinking morning time I am professional proper time going work I'm coming everything proper work but so that is called everybody greedy people so I give you money everything so I I need happiness I am happiness I am don't have money I am happiness so that is called this guy everybody thinking I am worriedness do it or in us that type of problem I am homeless I am working proper brother sometimes or I don't remember them some things but somebody told me okay I'm a street practice I'm rough I'm ready for it you know yeah he's actually at the bedroom at the moment because he's had a form of a breakdown but yeah our friend is up in in London alcoholism my parents were drinkers themselves

West Africa

the system's broken I'll pay tax all my life in the UK yeah all in the UK I ran an event company big company

somebody told me I remember that so this type of problems so I am this country coming 6 grand 6 grand my land sell it where you come from India so the Southern India yeah but now I am selling the property six grand now that property

120 Grand so that is called Everything grown up I am working I am happy no working I am happy so that is called I need money money is money so that is good money is eat food but something something so so that is called them I need peaceful life I need work proper work you know this I need uh

uh um

one minute thanks I pay tax everything the government is a taxi everybody coming here somebody three people they're already coming passport to Visa everything I don't have Visa I need the Visa I need everything I need I am a king maker I am a king so you have no Visa another you have no Visa I I don't know I am everybody you know the greedy people I am coming outside outside that's what that is called thinking

I am not happy I am happy every day happy I need happy so the discard I am working happy working is time passing entertainment is time passing life is time passing so the discount everything time passing time passing time passing time pass means everything time pass everything is no you every so that is called past tense no precedence everybody know the whole life is present life you understand I understand thank you my friends we just pass it by here yeah

everybody know future I am your only future I have a holy future plan I have only future plan I am your Legend future plan I have so that is called I am a king not on what's the future plan future plan means and that uh some project project work so entirely different than a project work I need India everywhere I need a big blunt I in India whereabouts yeah okay

uh 26 State and India like this it is I have this country happy I I like it this country so that this card the carrier is bimping so professional though so that is called everybody

don't do it proper work you know carrier is do it proper career you know this is this problem I am yeah proper work ER yeah I believe what do you do nothing what do you do garden work painter professional painter Professor gardener and so you know this thinking sometime with the building was helping the you know the concrete work the right building sites everything I do it

I need insurance


double tax you know this am I I have life and I need separate some room I cooking it nighttime dinner so if people want to help you or donate to you is there a phone number that can reach you or a Facebook anything like that yeah can you tell me I don't know computer this type of phone number yeah I have one number I do you yeah please right so nadan's phone number is zero seven four or five two or five eight seven seven and that's not them Croydon London yeah yeah all right and do you want to say anything to people that know you your your loved ones you have not seen for a while you want to say anything to them no no no no all right thanks for your interview and I will see you next week cheers

Khan came as a refuge from Afghanistan - now homeless in London - Life on the Streets

 I met Khan in Croydon. He says all his family was killed by Talibans in Afghanistan. He came as a refuge from Afghanistan during a war in the 90's. Check this out. Please subscribe to my channels

Vlog in text: Folks so we are here with Khan who's been on the Streets of London for how long three months what made you homeless because uh I had some problem with the police and I had police and there's other people which is forced me to do some illegal work for them and they was looking for me to I was in danger of my life so I became homeless and I'm just I'm on the street now all right well what kind of of activities was that was can you tell that you know you said something because I just felt dealt with them you know hey but I'm a street breakfast I'm rough I'm ready for it you know yeah he's actually at the bathroom at the moment because he's had a form of a breakdown but yeah I've ended up in in London alcoholism my parents were drinkers themselves West Africa the system's broken I'll pay tax all my life in the UK yeah all in the UK I ran an events company big company [Music] oh [Music] this police was responsible for addition to give me a place but then nobody cared about me and I become homeless it's been three months and I'm roughing or sleeping on the street and uh just like in cold weather and are now they're straightening they just keep coming and just take my name on everything I don't know what's gonna happen they're gonna give me a place or not right and you said the originally you it was 17 years ago you came from Afghanistan that's during the war like you came as a refugee yeah and they did did you get the right help as a refugee yes and you still ended up on the streets yeah all my documents everything but I'm just homeless that's all oh I see all right com... English - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc6D... Polish https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc6D... Zupa's walks https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc6D... Music https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqUl... Silesian Schalger https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzwr... Find me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/bartosz.strz... Twitter https://twitter.com/Selekta_Zupa Instagram https://www.instagram.com/selekta_zupa/ Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@vlogger_zupa #london #afghanistan #refuge #croydon #homeless #homelessness #uk #love #paris #newyork #england #fashion #usa #photography #art #dubai #instagood #music #travel #londonlife #instagram #canada #unitedkingdom #photooftheday #like #germany #italy #follow #style #france #europe #losangeles #beauty #photo #architecture #love #charity #poverty #covid #help #community #donate #homelesslivesmatter #nonprofit #streetphotography #support #volunteer #helpingothers #homelessnessawareness #photography #homelesspeople #losangeles #coronavirus #street #endhomelessness #giveback #art #food #bnw #hope #life #humanity #mentalhealth #dailyvlog #vlog #youtube #vlogger #youtuber #family #suttonrainnguyen #kkandbabyj #cute #khoanguyen #kerenswanson #shoes #fashion #style #sneakers #love #shopping #nike #moda #shoesaddict #instagood #heels #like #jordan #ootd #outfit #onlineshopping #dress #follow #bags #fashionblogger #instagram #adidas #model #fashionstyle #instafashion #stylish #clothes #fashionista #photooftheday #sneakerhead #landonnyguen #khoality #jacksonkhainguyen #vlogs #vlogging #vloggerlife #happiness #youtubers #vloggers #funny #amazing #cuteness #lotsoflove #millionsubscribers #landonians #jacksonista #naynay #teenparents #loadsoflove #london #uk #love #paris #newyork #england #fashion #usa #photography #art #dubai #instagood #music #travel #londonlife #instagram #canada #unitedkingdom #photooftheday #like #germany #italy #follow #style #france #europe #losangeles #beauty #photo #architecture