Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Meet Joseph - 11 years on the streets -drugs user - Life on the Streets

You can meet Joseph on the Strand - a busy street in London. He has been homeless for 11 years. He takes all drugs but Spice. He tells a story how he saved a girl from being brutally beaten up. Check this out

 yes folks we are here with Joseph who's been on the Streets of London for how long 11 years 11 years man yeah a long time how did you end up on the streets uh just circumstances like relationship breakdown that sort of thing usual yeah 11 years right but not least are you originally from this area Joseph I'm from uh yeah South London yeah South London right yeah well just before I started to record you told me the story about last night last night I'll say it last night and I could be scream and I thought oh [ __ ] and I thought I'd take that notice of it then I heard scream as I rushed down there and there was about eight girls and two two boys all like 17 18. don't put it on these three worlds to do girls that are all dressed up nice as going to restaurants and I thought I separated them so I wouldn't talk away and when I walked away they'd grab one of them and slung to the floor wow I saw charanda started kicking and punching the the guys were fancy as well I couldn't believe it so I'll just bam bam bam I knocked them all out the way and then I said I was standing over with my feet I said move get back as I hurt you like would you have to you can't you know so I picked her up she was face down on the floor so I picked her up under her armpits lifted her up and then put her with her two mates by the wall and then then add their back to me and I thought I like that keeping that and I was still punching them get like getting them away from it thank you mate I'm still punching them and snapping them make sure you know they don't get to them and then this black guy who's it was a bit helpful but when the trouble started step back you know when they started surrounding it was kicking her he sort of stepped back so he wanted his Braves yeah they go but um once they realized that they were going to get them and they decided to run they'll Run for the bus the bus will let them on then they run down an alley but they were gone basically so I said wait for a bit so we went to the renewed over and then I said to the guys walking down to the restaurant I think it's a lot of my stuff here he was a nice guy but it's a bit too much for him but it worked for me I just I just dealt with them you know but I'm a street person so I'm rough I'm ready for it you know yeah he's actually at the bedroom at the moment because he's had a form of a breakdown but yeah I've ended up in in London alcoholism my parents were drinkers themselves

West Africa tongo yeah exactly yes the system's broken I'll pay tax all my life in the UK yeah born in the UK I ran an events company big company and covid obviously it wiped it out yeah what happened

I ended up using crack drugs hello Clint how are you tired I'm cold and tired how was last night cold it's very cold last night pretty cold last night yeah yeah so you slept here and then outwards aren't you in hospital what happened is your attention very bad chest infection very bad chest infection and he ended up


yeah I'm 59 but I can still fight no I mean obviously have you had many fights being on the streets yeah many have been stabbed it with Amazon buying bar so I've had my tent set of light with when a minute three times that happened yeah burnt on my hand hold on hold on yeah show this yeah hello can you see it that's when they set my tent line it all burnt my hands the second time I burnt all my back the first time can you see it yeah that's fine man yeah Dreadful I remember one night I was sitting in the street just around the corner and um it was dry when I went asleep and normally you're supposed to be if you're sleeping you'd get your shoes if not if you're not going to keep your shoes on you put them under a pillar but I've forgotten the left of that I woke up next morning my shoes have gone and it was pissing down the rain I had to walk all the way from here from The Strand to London Bridge with no shoes on because some some redneck my shoes I love a homeless person the worst enemy of the homeless is the homeless yes it's just unbelievable that just rub each other because they've given up for life or something like that they think it's all right to just take Liberties you know right so before you you become homeless what was your like profession what did you do oh laboring Painting and Decorating gardening fencing a Paving uh uh I was I was hot carrier I've done many jobs out yeah I've worked most of my life yeah all right and people like uh is there a lot of drugs on on the Strand yes a lot lots fast spice I feel so sorry for them you know they all smoke is fine some of them are dropping dead because of it one guy went to jail for two weeks he and he was smoking spice he went to jail for two weeks and he come back he thought he could do the same thing and have a big fat joint but he killed him he took one puff of it outside McDonald's he took one puff of a spice joint and killed him thank you darling

um the uh Jam the um doctors in the car came ambulances like paramedics everyone tried to save him he was gone

poison pure evil it really is an evil thing you know it's all it's not it was a legal high but it's not anymore but they're still doing it too late now they're getting it illegally now it's just an absolute nightmare hiya

thank you very much thank you

I'm Ash trained oh yeah you know no yes the spice is the worst one up here spicy yeah you get junkies up here and all that usual [ __ ] but as far as he has lethals so people like will look like zombies they're falling all over the place smashing their face on the floor walking down the wall trying to hold around trying to get but what a lot of [ __ ] scum up here are doing now they've got a trick now the homeless they they put some spice and weed in the joint and give it to idiots and then when they get high and like that they rub them I see [ __ ] little something two-thirds of the homeless a [ __ ] scum the other third need help I'll just pick him with a witch you know what I mean because a lot of the homeless they look like they're nice but they're [ __ ] low life you know so it's picking the right ones it's really hard but a lot of them need help they're just lost souls really you know what I mean they need help but how can you help someone who's a bit of a scumbag you know that something happens in the life to come out onto the street and then have to survive and that hardens them you know and that can work both ways they can be hardened to be nice or be hard and be a scumbag a lot of them give up straight away or no one cares about me why should I care about anyone else so yeah times are changing where do you see yourself in in a year time Joseph I have no idea but um with no um business is the answer I see myself I don't know where I'll be but I won't be bitter and angry I know that you want to be bitter and angry no no never am and if I am only the last 10 minutes an hour so I've got nothing uh a lot of positive person I tried to be yeah I think so are you messing with any substances yourself yeah anything but advice oh yeah yeah but I'm not I'm not homeless because of drugs or anything like a lot you know I've been homeless on and off for many many years but I love took drugs since I was about nine and I'm you know I started smoking weed when I was nine and I'm 58 now 59 so no drugs is open all my life but I do take them you know so what people go in the pub they go They're going to Pub they have a drink and they go home no problem I'll go and have a little bit of drugs a lot of people out of my own money I've never still if you still to take drugs you're a scumbag you know if you get a little bits of money and you have a bit of drugs and when you ain't got no money chop you can't ebony same as a club you can go down the pub you can afford it's difficult to get drugs here no no no it's easier to get drugs to help it's easy to get drugs and anything really yeah you can get drugs easier than ask you in the pub if you can use their toilet I'm telling you it's terrible I sit here I suppose a couple hours and guys walk past her on their weeds running spice or any crack it's only heroin yeah

yeah it's hard mess but that's why they take devices because they're numbs them out and they just don't feel no miserable pain they're just locked up it's it's a shame really hey Joseph I mean what do you sleep and all over the place you know it's easy your best best thing to do is find different places all the time all right so you don't have like a stable place and you stay no I move around a lot you move around yeah and you've got that's all your belongings here is that right basically yeah yeah you've got a sleeping bag and a yeah I've got two sleeping bags just to make sure I got I've got a clean shots clean pants everything yeah got everything like that yeah

it seems to know everybody here on the street yeah yeah I know well I've been here a long time she's she that's her boyfriend but she when he went there she tried to entice me around there for some sex life I've got two I've got two daughters older now we've got two daughters I've got two daughters older than her but she's trying to entice me around there to sleep with a lot and then she's got a flat around the corner

wrapping it should get rough time but she takes me home now I said to her now I said I'm old enough to be a dad go away have you got family yourself yeah I've got a lot of family yeah we've got loads of family there's a family most of my family dying now sorry to hear that I lost two sisters and a sister-in-law last year and my brother spoke to him last night and the phone is dying he's on he's on an oxygen thing bleeding terrible yeah but that's you know life's short people think last longest a lot shorter than we all think you know I'm 58 and it just went really quick yeah I know what you mean yeah it just it just flies by one minute you're a teenager next to me and you're a man it just goes so you're saying you you this is your choice to be on the streets is that what you're saying Joseph sometimes it's easier I just use the option I sometimes they help and like trying to really want to stay in the hostel with all smelly junkies and [ __ ] all you can hear is coughing and smell feet all over the place



and if people want to reach out and donate or help you is there any kind of like a phone number or email yeah I've got a phone number would you like to say that yeah I will I'll find it oh it is yeah

You can meet Joseph on the Strand - a busy street in London. He has been homeless for 11 years. He takes all drugs but Spice. He tells a story how he saved a girl from being brutally beaten up. Check this out

you can do it yeah so Joseph's phone number is zero seven four nine six six three seven three five six all right yeah I could do some help that's for sure I'm getting old I've had a heart attack a stroke you had one yeah I've had a heart attack and a stroke I've had two back operations I've had two broken ankles broken knee I've had a few accidents I've done reading you know just one of them things but yeah I now got cpod what's that that's like a lung disease braving on all this traffic reading the fumes yeah I'm doing not doing too good I've had better days that's for sure but yeah but I've done a wonderful thing last night come on tell us about it well like I say like and it's just God's will I was the only person here that could help her because it was like eight of them surrounded chicken and punching her it didn't last long it lasted about a second you know but I'll run down there just in time just so friends and they were scared of me like and I'm shallow shot at the top of my mouth move get out of [ __ ] kill you I'll let you move and uh these girls have a terrified like and a crowded them behind me like and they were so they were holding on to my car oh don't leave me I should be quiet stay there what actually happened what do you think happened what happened was these three good-looking well-dressed um you know clean girls were going down there they enjoy themselves smiling and these these girls in Traxxas and that street not Street girls like a like Teenage gang they were they were jealous they're simply the girls are jealous of them but they can dress like that they can get themselves a job and sort yourself out and make yourself look nice but they don't it's a rather run around in track is an app with words pull the hoods down stop robbing people that's what I'm doing there's just a group of scum yeah what are those tattoos on your hands by the way uh flowers Just Flowers yeah what did you get them um I've had them years of just like flowers I've always liked flowers like I'm just obsessed by looking at flowers everywhere I go I see them I look at them like yeah another just a weird man I suppose a lot of flowers could be worse yeah I could like Paul not like never like flowers you know I want to get these colors in these ones because they ain't got no color in them but this one's all right yeah I'm just a bit afraid of that okay Joseph yeah well nothing else I can't think of anything else okay cool man

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Sunday, January 29, 2023

Tales from the streets - Meet Sean - bisexual man homeless on the streets of London

 I met Sean near Charing Cross Train Station. He has no family left due to a generic illness in his family. He is bisexual and speaks openly about it. Check this out!

Vlog in text: so we are here with Sean who's been on the street of London for how long um I would say 10 months right what happened that you ended up on the streets I had um a breakup of my relationship and then my brother passed away in a car crash and I started drinking heavily and I lost my home and ended up coming to live well I basically ended up on the Streets of London is of London Yeah you mentioned that you you're not from London yourself from outside London from I'm originally from #Oxford um I lived in New Zealand for 15 years came back went to to Oxford back to Oxford um but yeah I've ended up in in London alcoholism my parents were drinkers themselves like big ones West Africa tongo yeah exactly yes the system's broken I'll pay tax all my life in the UK yeah born in the UK I ran an events company big company and kovid obviously it wiped it out yeah what happened did you oh ended up using crack drugs hello how are you tired I'm cold and tired how was last night cold it's very cold last night pretty cold last night yeah yeah so you slept here and I out where it's Archie Arctic in hospital what happened it's got a testified it's very bad chest infection very bad chest infection and he ended up in hospital you're on your own yeah ... and people just treat you like [ __ ] they think they look at you they say you're on the straights and they think you're a piece of [ __ ] and that's it they don't give a [ __ ] about you well man put your weight together get laid anytime man oh wish are you straight I'm bi okay it's a shame you're not bi as well we could have a good time so well sorry I should n't I said well you left your phone number we let you know we gave you a phone number you may get a phone calls from my own people know you never know but I wish you all the best you say my thank you thank you he said you're homosexual he said are you gay and I said why are you asking he said um because I'm home now I don't want to [ __ ] and that's right obviously as well but it was like no you're just a random number and I could see him and it's like it's not interesting so you do like a maybe like anything like that you know for cash as well and things like that maybe if you offered me 20 equipment it's a bit you don't have the enlightenment you know for this you know that for the for the audio man but it's good to well see how the audio is in this one yeah but yeah you do whatever you come in it to survive and uh you did tonight and said to me I'll give you 20 quid if you suck me off once again but yeah I'm not I'm not fully I mean I'd go with a woman but I go with men just whatever happens Please subscribe to my channels English - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc6D5Fnuv-x76ZuBEE1QzqQ Polish https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc6D5Fnuv-x76ZuBEE1QzqQ Zupa's walks https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc6D5Fnuv-x76ZuBEE1QzqQ/shorts Music https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqUliL9aCdLJKX7bEqssl_g/videos Silesian Schalger https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzwrGNpy_d656LCARoqLexA/videos Find me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/bartosz.strzelec.aka.zupa.tlumacz.dj.life.lover/ Twitter https://twitter.com/Selekta_Zupa Instagram https://www.instagram.com/selekta_zupa/ Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@vlogger_zupa #londonlife #homeless #uk #homelessness #gay #homosexual #love #paris #newyork #england #addiction #recovery #mentalhealth #addictionrecovery #love #sober #sobriety #soberlife #recoveryispossible #depression #anxiety #mentalhealthawareness #wedorecover #alcoholism #motivation #soberliving #drugs #drugaddiction #addictionawareness #addict #onedayatatime #aa #alcoholicsanonymous #rehab #life #addicted #selfcare #soberaf #healing #health#fashion #usa #instagood #music #travel #londonlife #instagram #canada #unitedkingdom #like #follow #style #europe #losangeles #beauty #architecture #love #charity #poverty #covid #help #community #donate #homelesslivesmatter #nonprofit #support #volunteer #helpingothers #homelessnessawareness #homelesspeople #losangeles #street #endhomelessness #giveback #art #food #bnw #hope #life #humanity #mentalhealth

Life on the Streets - Meet Lucie - her partner after a mental breakdown is in a psychiatric hospital

I met Lucie on the streets of Croydon. She says she used to use drugs but not anymore. Her partner is in a mental hospital Bethlem. Check this out!

Vlog in text:

Claire won't told him she's got a place yet has she thought it was a thread behind you don't look Claire's behind you right now she's just gone got a place yeah don't say nothing turn around turn around hi Claire was looking for you here you go this is a clad actually where you've been Claire yeah anyway so you're super Critter coach you know what yeah you're Hypocrites they're [ __ ] hypocrite cool them church people that's what annoys me yeah fake real fake real I bet she ain't said that she's got to play folks we are here with Lucy who's been on the Streets of London for how long for two and a half three years with my partner with your partner yeah he's actually at the bedroom at the moment because he's had a form of a breakdown but yeah I've ended up in in London alcoholism my parents were drinkers themselves

West Africa tongo yeah exactly yes the system's broken I'll pay tax all my life in the UK yeah born in the UK I ran an events company big company and covid obviously it wiped it out yeah

I ended up using crack drugs hello Cliff how are you tired I'm cold and tired how was last night cold it's very cold last night pretty cold last night yeah yeah so you slept here in the outwards aren't you in hospital what happened they've got a testified very bad chest infection very bad chest infection and he ended up


um where it's all got a little bit too much for him so working man to well let's just say um a super Rim wreck to the situation we were um right Lucy I will just interrupt you here I've done a vlog about the Bethlehem Hospital yeah the hospital for people with mental health issues the oldest one in the world apparently yes it is and that's where your husband is yes he is he was sectioned at the section for free time safety um it's all got a little bit too much because we're a little bit different out here um we don't really get on we'll not get on um we're um not like like some of them you know some of them have got a very cold background and some of them are um fake really and I haven't coped at it very well with with the situation out here you know and because I think I've got too much to say from myself so I speak the truth without even thinking it if that makes sense you know and I just think okay everybody so how did it happen that you ended up on streets and I got diagnated bipolar and I've got mental health myself um I've had it for 20 odd years but I had a very bad episode due to not coping um with a bereavement

um so I ended up having a bipolar episode and well just didn't talk to anyone you know didn't take medication was against it I thought I was all right and I wasn't all mounted up and I ended up losing my home through drug abuse because I turned to drugs instead of turning to um counselors like I do now and I see you look so you're messing with substances yes I was yes I was and I haven't done now for the last five months nearly now so yeah I seeked help and that's why I don't mix with people out here as well because there's a lot of substance abuse you know and it's who you mix with to be honest so yeah how was your childhood Lucy a very difficult childhood but I don't really want to go into that one today is there anything you would like to say don't always believe the people what they say out here and there's a lot of people that give a good talk and well they're not really doing the walk you know they um give a good story but we get punished for it the real people because everyone judges the same as all the rest and we're not if you get to come and spend a little bit of time and a few questions you know I've met some lovely characters so in my future now I know that these characters make me move forward and back you know I've met some fantastic people like Snappy snaps over and so I've got a little job to look forward to so I keep me off the drugs as well um and just people that I don't know that can keep me going forward and not back you know keep me yeah you know instead of going well it is it's who you associate yourself with you know you know you mix become yeah my husband worked for 23 years even went on the Telly millionaire moves he was on all right and yeah and it took its toll on him you know he's left his job to look after me and we were told we weren't entitled to benefits because he voluntarily walked out and knocked out and I just felt a bit better towards the system you know we've been out here is because we're a couple you know we were told to one move in one place and another moving another and we refused that because the simple fact is why should we live separately you know I need my husband and he needs me and it seems did you say he was sanctioned yeah no he was sectioned he was now yeah and because of that we we're at a longer you know but if we wouldn't of um um told them we were together wouldn't they prosecutors you know so you're not in a in a catch-22 position you know maybe they always say it's like what is it um oh truth what's that saying

I remember the saying

remember it honesty is not always the best policy I find I I personally think on my situation so maybe if I lied then I would have been off the streets in a bit of benefits but because I spoke the truth a bit too much and it just penalized me I feel that and my partner I look at the effect it's had on him you know we're working class man invadies his face his juice to the world he's now in the bedroom really figuring out his Minds because he can handle it out here you know how long he's been the foreign

what happened he um just had a breakdown he thinks he's in a game show in his head it's like a former schizophrenia psychotic you know and I don't know it's it was A build-up of stuff you know wherever I suppose he's a man and he can't protect me it's it's it's funny out it's like a community you have to be out here to understand it you know at the beginning I'll go get a job now I wouldn't even dream of saying that now you know they've all got a story some don't get me wrong I will but some that is just a story a dysfunctional story as that you know

Lucy if there is anybody who wants to donate to you or help you in some way is that a email address or a phone number they can contact and now I just contact for you from me I know where you are yeah all right and is there any change

okay hot chocolate

a burger [Music]

can I just get a a burger and a milkshake from Five Guys five days Five Guys so you are demanding Lucy it's good to me this man is very good to me he's very good to me you're very kind man very kind these these things

these people no don't put him on okay yeah thank you big man um just let it mail I want onions

Mayo Lake Five Guys burger and a Five Guys

thank you if you could I'll let you pick no none of that oh none of that yeah thank you honey spoil I know thank you the spoil the brain all right so no address and if there is somebody watching this that knows is there anything you would learn to say don't always judge a book by its cover that's it ask questions that's it really you don't always believe people like that that's what I say right cool thank you just and you enjoy and anything you need I'm only here yeah well anyway see you later Lucy bye

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