Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Meet July - lost a flat, ended up homeless - London, England

 July let other homeless used her flat. She lost it. Now on the streets. Check this out. Join this channel to get access to perks:

Vlog in text: Hi folks this is your boy vlogger super we are here with Julie we are in toting London how did you end up homeless Julie well I I ended up I had a flat and I let people in it who smoke drugs and that's how I lost my flat what made you homeless got right got mental health he's got mental health so why are we out here so you had an accident yeah a bike accident you were on a bike you were probably drunk right you know from from from uh cocaine from Aro from C tablets the uh the uh housing came in the police came in and invited me and then once theying me they got in touch back with the council then we went to C and that's how I lost my flat so that's how I've become hopeless and when was that uh um about five it's about 3 months now 3 months lost it you've actually lost it yeah all right are you from toting yourself no I'm from war F where is that with that's that's uh you know elephant castle oh right that area that area yeah but you you live in here I was where you used to live well but where I live was STW all right all right Julie tell me about your like childhood growing up did you grow up in in that elephant castle area yes yeah yeah um War Ro that comes under the elephant castle and that so yeah but I had a very good child child I've got six sisters and I had two brothers so you know I mean my brothers have gone now and one of my just have gone now uh they died but um other than that um I just do this day today to live so I mean I'm not the only one on Le there loads of us to do it so you know you have to get by somewhere or have a a match mode um but sometimes we have to raise money um to get into a hostel every night so once you raise raise that money you you got a bed for right how much is that 202 2020 that's a lot of money for and that but you know but sometimes you can get a motel for that as well so it all depends where you go to try and get an AO all right you know is there a lot of homeless people in that part of London oh yeah it's a lot people you know it's h a lot of homeless people yeah what is the main trigger uh that causes people to be homeless in here drugs drugs drugs is the the but it's where I'm lucky I've never took lower and that but it didn't stop about other people take Dr Julie let's just wait till the bus goes cuz of the the the the bad audio yes carry on so but I mean that that is the main thing I mean even down here I mean you get drugs smoke drugs you know down me other come up to me and and ask me where the nearest dealer is there I don't know I don't touch the stuff so I would know where they are but you know all I do but not this part no and have you got any problem with substance abuse no cuz I don't take any of it all right uh what what was your job before you ended up on streets I was a cleaner a cleaner what did you clean um I used to go R the weekend television why kep tell I used to be a washer washing up yeah I used to wash up the pots and pans pots and pans yeah in where where about in London weend tell and what's that that's television Pap television yeah right cuz I couldn't hear properly there yeah the television you work in television you wash pants and pants in television yeah in the Kitchen in the kitchen so you met a lot of PE famous people didn't you oh yeah yeah I've met quite a few people met you know but once you get like this that you know people don't want to know really you know they just leave you alone and that's it mhm and uh if if there is there an advice you could give to people who are messing with drugs I would get off of it that's the best bit is try and get off of it because that they're taking that rubbish all right I won't swear you know they take that rubbish and then then they end up in prison and then they come straight back out and they go straight back on it so but they mad for doing it you know or damn fa is my cigarettes that's my damn fa but drugs never mhm so I mean I was in the hospital um two weeks ago I had two heart attacks two heart attacks two weeks ago yeah that's awful did they tell you to stop smoking yeah they did i s you know just me I'm mad are you willing to give it up what cigarette I did I had been trying put it that way I've been trying they gave me patches you know to put patches right yeah patches they sto you it's supposed to help you you stopped smoking uh I had them when I was in the hospital but I did have the other bag here and there and I went down to 20 f a day but now I'm back up again all right and Julie if there is somebody watching this and would like to help you is there any like a email or how how to contact you somebody maybe relatives are watching this seeing you I've got a solicitor I've already got some helping me and the character is giving me another flat right but ain't this way it's so so I mean I think if you did I liked it I said I take it but now they just dragging their Fe you know so I'm just waiting for them the paper right just just a second wait for the can you just CU there's too much noise to carry on the interview folks just let's just wait for that bus to go and let's get back to Julie who is from uh South London and he's been homeless on the streets for 3 months yeah uh how much money can you make a day it varies uh weekends is a good weekend I mean you can1 day easy how much1 you can e EAS on the streets but then you got to be on it like from say 9:00 in the morning to sometimes 10:00 at night right for the whole day100 yeah that's that's all right I mean I don't stay on the streets um that long anyway well long enough and so I mean today all I've all I've really eared today is 20 quids and how long you've been here uh I came about 2:00 no down here I came at 2:00 but I was up further up there first MH and tell me about toting is that toting is like a very multi culty place isn't it yeah but I was balam before in balam yeah was up at balam where are are there a lot of Polish people in here I don't know about Polish people you know everybody they some of us do talk to you some don't know they just think you were down and out and that's it all right Julie is there anything else you would like to add I think I've said it for you right nice one will I wish you all the best thank you stay safe God bless you and good health thank you thank [Music] you I'm you attitudes I'm Check my vlog on Please subscribe to my channels English - Polish Zupa's walks Music Silesian Schalger Find me on Facebook Twitter Instagram Tiktok #england #london #homeless #homelessness #uk #english #dailyvlog

Zupa & Dean in Tooting, South London borough

 This time me and my mate Dean are going to explore a place in south London called tooting. we talk with people, eat local food and are sightseeing.


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Vlog in text; Hello YouTube um vlogger zuper is in tooting today with me Dean we are going to tooting they say the the most two thing is like a place where Polish people live so we're going to have a look over there you know what I [Music] mean [Music] I'm in balam Waiting for a underground two team where we supposed to meet well find out if it is a really a Bora with the most amount of Polish people in there see with me vlogger [Music] Z [Music] how you doing oh are you ready for it yeah you can buy Fosters 10 and 15b two that's what I mean yes toting is a very multicult place and let's ask the public where they are from and how is it to be living in tutin South London vlogger zaa hello folks are you from tutin just where are you from Afghanistan Afghanistan and you live in tutin yeah or how long you've been living in toting five five years yes how do you like it to thing is good area is a good area yeah have you lived in other areas in London yes yes yeah yes yeah and you like this play better yes all right how is the situation in Afghanistan by the way oh it's really bad it's really bad yeah cuz that's War still war in Afghanistan yeah how how the talibans are still there y not good Taliban Taliban no good no no all right so you never want to go back to Afghanistan no no not now all right well all the best and uh thank you excuse me where you from uh here live all right what's that is a Palestine flag yeah pales flag how is the situation in Palestine it's it's uh very difficult very difficult and you you're supporting Palestine absolutely it was a demonstration did you go was a demonstration today and where you originally from yourself uh originally from subcontinent India from subcontinent that's I like how you said that from India and there was a demonstration in two about supporting Palestine no Marble Arch Marble Arch right right how is it to be living in toting I'm just making a short interview for my small YouTube channel give you a card later is toting a good place to be very nice place all right I like toting yeah and where are the people from in toting um different parts of the world I guess yeah there a lot of Polish people like myself yeah you have some Polish friends I don't have polish friends oh okay not yet but I'll you make some all right all the best and subscribe to vlogger zupa and this is the the the the card for you thank you all right thank you all the best all right people from subcontinent as well are in toting who else is in toting what do you have in the shop we got a gizmo it's the very first Gremlin and it's the very first Furby very first yeah it's made by Tiger and eventually it become it would literally become the Furbies that's the same stuff which one is it here this that's the Furby there the very that's actually the gremling the very first G oh sorry become a Furby oh I see yeah yeah the fures are based on that damn thing okay two glies together they start talking so why is it like the very first Gremlin then because it's 1986 it's the very first one made by Tiger so tiger were the company that used to make Electronics in those days that is the genuine tiger so that's the real tiger that's Gizmo her name M and as I say she's the very first of her kind I do say that of this of this kind like the First toy of Gremlin ever this is not the first very very very first but it's the very first model of this toy all right nice how much is it 20 20 only folks she takes four batteries and where are we Octavia in toting toting that is literally his get yeah if you want to get that gizo the first Gremlin it's here to Broadway vlogger Z me and din are going to check that toting Market let's go thank [Music] you see what I mean Market have any money guys [Music] game love it what do you thinking about this place very cool very cool place you can get records records here as well yeah from a weird looking sh assistant to think there's a lot of homeless but they not really willing to talk they more like Romanian gypsies uh that don't speak really English uh I have a feeling it's kind of like an organized thing so not luck so far no homeless interviews people with homeless people hi folks this is your boy vloger we are here with Julie we are in toting London how did you end up homeless Julie well I ended up I had a flat and I let people in it who smoke drunks and that's how I lost my flat the uh the uh housing came in the police came in and Ved me and then once they vaded me they got in touch back with the council that we went to C and that's how I lost my flat so that's how I become hopeless hello folks are you from totin all right you just you just passing what are you giving to toting just you know I'm asking how is it to be living in toting is a good place or a bad place where people are from and Etc well I say is a good place it is a good place it's a good place it used to be very very nice but like every every other place is changing it's changing and where you originally from Barbados Barbados Caribbean represent all right what do you think about toting uh I don't have much an opinion cuz I'm only like here for the day but so not too bad I don't think it's not too yeah where exactly do you live sorry uh White Chapel White Chapel all right and do you think there's a lot of immigrants in totin more than in White Chapel I think it's probably about the same actually I think it's quite similar to White Chapel yeah like I came here to find my fellow Polish people but but I don't see them well White Chapel has a lot of uh it's quite big bengaly area I don't know if it's the same here um but yeah so immigrants or immigrants from being um Bangladesh but not too many other places I don't think all right now what you think about brexit uh not a fan J I don't think it's gone too well um yeah pretty much sums it up all right what your hobbies my friend my what's hob Hobbies uh uh I played this sport called cball which no one's ever heard of um but yeah so that's why I've come from earlier today there was a little tournament I was refereeing at um are you a referee what what is that sport about uh so it's kind of like basketball or netball but it's mixed you have men and women playing on the same team um and there's it's actually uh the world like the World Cup the World Championships are happening right now so Poland is is playing at the moment as well so yeah all right interesting uh how do you call this discipline uh cough ball so it's k o RF ball cough ball all right well nice one thanks a lot for the interview and can you just say to my subscribers you I'm vlogger Z I give you a card to subscribe like and comment yeah subscribe like and comment go ahead all the best thank you very much see you on youtubeer we are here outside that La Mir restaurant thing we getting inside and have a look what they serve what food they have it's good prices look at that chicken bani 5 lbs a lunch for5 in London is a Burgen let's go inside what what's the name of the place al la inting and what do you serve my friend we we sell uh Indian food Indian and Pakistani food Indian and Pakistani food mhm and we're going to get some what did we say we going to get some Biryani yes yeah you know what I go for the L biran my friend goes for the chicken right no no I want the l l yeah both yeah two times please yes I like them and I think I get one of them as well on the side I love the Samos how you say Samos samosas samosas yes look at that big portion like that Biryani is that what country is that food from Pakistan Pakistan is national dish Biryani is it like a national dish traditional traditional dish I hope you're enjoying the Vlog in toting South London I'm quite surprised about the place it's got good prices for sure good vibe and I'm really enjoying here that's our food being ready now what's your name my friend my name is KH Ali KH KH Callie is going to give give some Biryani to us hi folks we got some sauce for Biryani and then is getting his plate looks good I'm not going to use some sauce yeah I am yeah so Biryani is is basically a Meal made of meat meat and rice and rice and some veg FL flavored rice flavored rice have you had that before I have yeah right and that's mine thank you very much folks that's us thank you very much see you next time how did you enjoy the meal very very nice very good very good Biryani Pakistani Biryani yeah I'm sure they have it in India as well oh Indian as well right yeah so what's your thoughts about toting D um very um Multicultural very cool very hip um yeah I was I was worried it would be like dangerous cuz it I've heard I haven't really been to South London much but it's seems toly safe and friendly people and all that yeah a lot of Muslim people yeah yeah we haven't found any Polish people yeah it seems to disappear there's a lot of um Muslim like bookshops well I've seen about two I think like Muslim book shops yeah and you've got the shops as well and you can get all the ingredients you need for your Asian cooking here I mean all right well we are heading to the station hopefully uh we'll be talking to some locals stay with us excuse me ladies just a short interview are you from the area yes how is it to be living here great is it it's great they say it sounded British to me yeah are you from totin from all right the guys from toting how is it to be leaving toting come in we've got folks we've got a car coming for an interview all right hello what is it about Dean Dean bring the camera hold on it's vlogger zaa YouTube folks here we go we are with people from toting finally we got you folks uh where you originally like from me originally I'm from Sri Lanka from Sri Lanka there a lot of Polish people like myself in tooting um cuz that's why I came here I had this a lot of Polish people this this area is very Multicultural so you find polish you find Romanian you find a lot of European people you know I'm Sri Lankan you find so many Sri Lankans here as well all right and what you driving by the way it's a 5 series 530e electric um hybrid petol nice one nice one and uh how can we find you on soci J Jane do see here we go it's polish influence in to and guys uh so what you doing like on a everyday basis just here to play some pool Monday to Friday we give money to government Saturday Sunday we like to enjoy ourselves you're enjoying yourself all right cool all right and how can we find you on social medias there are any girls watch Snapchat check me out no um1 32 that's my Snapchat all right thanks and hey see you later folks thank you for stopping even people in cars sto yes excuse me have you got a second are you from like living in tutin no no how is it to be but you you you hear often right sometime we came here but we are living in the city in where uh Del okay right and where you originally from this beautiful dress I'm from India from India nice one nice one and uh folks so how long you've been in the UK 6 years 6 years what do you think about brexit sorry brexit you know the Britain getting out the EU that's not good it's wasn't good to you I like how you look the the piercing something else and what you drinking by the way uh it's a uh milk drink milk drink it's called up the th can you show that to the camera please there's the almond hold on folks there's a car coming all right so yeah I came to toting because they say there's a lot of Polish people like myself in toting but I don't see them not yet mostly the Muslim and Punjabi community in Punjabi Community here all right interesting interesting we are here with Stephan who's been on the Streets of London for how long 2 and a half years and uh what triggered your homelessness basically I'm gave up my home and moved in with my ex partner now and he ended up throwing me up one day stabbing my mom well stabbing my dad and beating up my mom and CU he ended up getting arrested I ended up my home cuz I was tency all right and when was that that was in may may all right couple years ago tell me uh so are you always in toting or thing is your play that's where you're from no I'm originally from Str but people see all right well stepan I wish you all the best it's quite noisy in windy and is there anything like contact somebody's watching this and wants to help you you got like an email no um I just want be here to Broadway Station stepan yes is always here toting Broadway Station if you want to help Stephan and is there any advice to to people that are about to end up on the streets just keep your chin up um don't let things get you down and don't fall into the spiral of street life yeah life yeah don't get into the bad people just try and keep your head up and just try and bring it and get through try and push push the authorities to get yourself somewhere to live like keep in touch with the council and stuff like that be them if you don't leave they won't help you right thanks a lot stepanie for dating all the best finally we've got somebody from toting yes yeah from all over the place everywhere now T in London shout to sh the ends the ends and we can find you on new you vloggers as well right yeah yeah we Vlog we about day to we about we about we about everything how can we find you on social medias you'll see it soon it's not launched yet you'll see it we're launching soon so you caught us before launch like we just recording all Lucky the first footage with what's how do you what's your name nabs ZF nabs and zaps are with us vloggers zupa for the first time they're going to launch their own YouTube channel but I've got them first yeah we got first class with zupa you know shout out zupa shout Z man shout out Z big shout where are the all the Polish people in totin Polish people in tuting I'd say around like you know T in station where where it connects to Mitchum like that over there a lot a lot of breakfast cafes yeah if you go breakfast CAF there's a lot of poish people Mitch L they work or they ran or they they they they eat at the at the cafes and they drink coffee in the morning okay that's where are your originally from originally I'm from Pakistan Pakistan me too Pakistan represented in to as well yeah now we represent a pushing P you know what I mean pushing pushing it's a lot of our culture here you know I mean we're trying to represent the culture trying to make the most go from where we are show them where we're about show where we're from you know what I'm saying what did you think about brexit when brexit happened I think it's a lot of [ __ ] I think it's so big no comment no comment on this one right I don't do politics oh you don't do the politics what's your hobbies boys I a lot of hobbies I like making making music making music making money yeah living life experiencing life we about to play we about to play pool so that's one of play po the place you go to somewhere there yeah the place up there we play pool play poker you know Vibe everything meet some good friends have some good company what about you what about your hobbies uh I would say music is my hobby and vlogging yeah as well music what type of music you sing I'm trying and play guitar and I'm trying you should do a club we're going to do collab yeah all right boys here we go my new friends from toting he is going to his place and I'm going to my place thanks for watching till till the next time vlogger Z and Dean and you can find Dean on social medias typing at doy 6000 that's the one cheio bye and you know why the tube is called the tube cuz I'm in the tube thanks for watching this one H I hope you've subscribed liked and commented and I will see you on the next one vlogger zupa vloger Z Vlog was a boy that wasn't [Music] oil Join this channel to get access to perks: Check my vlog on Please subscribe to my channels English - Polish Zupa's walks Music Silesian Schalger Find me on Facebook Twitter Instagram Tiktok #england #london #homeless #homelessness #uk #english #dailyvlog

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

He lives in a tent with his pregnant girlfriend - Life on the Streets - Dublin, Ireland

 Shane lost both parents in a fire. He saved his little sister from the fire. Now he lives in a tent with his pregnant girlfriend. Join this channel to get access to perks:

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Vlog in text: Are you ready my friend here we go we are here with what's your name Shane Shane and how long you've been on the streets since I'm 18 since you are 18 well uh you just told me briefly your story it's a very tragic one not yeah was just I don't when I was a kid that I had to get my sisters out of the house because the house went on fire and I was the only one that could cu the rest of them all underneath me my age and my M my dad and my little brother died because a man is homeless doesn't mean he's abusing these substances I've been in and out of hosts and I've been living in TS um so all together probably on the streets probably 5 years you say I'm not blind I'm a con artist and a fake and a phony I went into care of the hsse and I went from care home to care home in high proportion of them are probably drug Alex right and crack Alex crack cocaine you the problem and and heroin I don't when I was a kid that I had to get my sisters out of the house because the house went on fire and I was the only one that could was the rest of them were all underneath me my age and my M my dad and my little brother died in the fire I'm an alcoholic but I haven't drank in 9 Dam months and uh I went to a bad time with drink and that and got to drugs and that the only one that cuz the rest of were all underneath me my age and my M my dad and my little brother died in the fire and my little brother was only 8 months old and and I had to get to out and then we got put in the care you were put to to care yeah me and my brother oh after your your parents died in the fire that they said thems yeah but they put my sisters in my family they put my sisters in my family right yeah and then me and my brother were abused and home and we just it was horrible so then when we were six we got taken into a foster care family and uh yeah it was on Easter Easter Easter day I remember very we were in a home I was six he was four and it was Easter h play EAS hunt you find your egg and yeah that's what I had to do but my egg and my little brother was in the sitting room with the Foster family so we got taken into a foster for home me my little brother and the rest of the family got put into families so that kind of [ __ ] me up in the head I couldn't live with it like so I couldn't acceptance is is a big thing for me acceptance acceptance acceptance all right acceptance is a big thing for me yeah I I don't feel accepted accepted by Society by Family by Family yeah because they [ __ ] me the care they sorry they trew me into car like but but you said your parents died no but Foster Family Foster Family yeah took me in on Easter day when I was six my little brother was five and we had to do Easter head Easter hunt for an egg and I was in the sitting room in a home called the cottage homes in dun and they fostered us Foster you know Foster yes yeah The Fosters then they adopted us I couldn't I couldn't control myself I a bad temper so they put me into a different home I see so I've been in 11 homes 11 homes yeah and then I left when I was 18 when and was that you ending up on you had a period living in like having a flat or something just Liv cuz you said your girlfriend is pregnant half months and you're living in a tent tent yeah in B Street and what will happen when the baby is born taking off probably taking oh we might get put into a family H I don't know trying that yeah you you try to keep it yes but yeah we're going to try we won't yeah we don't drugs like we just do what we have to do like just to get a place we don't want to like every four four five days you get a room a hosit for the night and it cost €0 for the tub so it's not too bad so we get to have a shower every 4 days all right so do you abuse substances no no a bit weird that's about it we but I don't do anything else like she does nothing she doesn't even smoke Weir she doesn't no she doesn't do anything no it just Cals me down to it does I'm very uh very bad temper I you a rejection rejection rejection of rejection rejection Yeah by who everybody everybody's and you feel hurt inside it's more damaged damage the damage was done kind of the society's done damage on you is that what you're trying to say all right uh well I hope you get better and well try to get get along with the society I don't think I I don't think I'll be able to accept it just can't too much has happened to accept it very I lost my foster that um two weeks before Father's Day this year I went up to the house on Father's Day he give him a card and she told me he was dead Foster Foster father Foster so that well it seems like you've got a lot I'm I'm [ __ ] up in the head on your shoulders I'm [ __ ] up in the head well it's it's not your fault it's it's just the way life goes sometimes I don't understand that well if there's somebody watching is that you know would like to help you somehow is there any email or phone number you have they can contact you maybe they want donate something oh wait uh I have to get a phone what's it what's my email Shane 891 891 all right that's the email people can contact you yeah all right and is there anything else you would like to add like just people are just very ignorant people people are ignorant very ignorant yeah do people talk to you ask you how you're doing and I got I got stabbed in the arm in the wrist like by people trying to rob our tent really there look when was that H that was 5 months ago people trying to rob your tent and then you got stopped and she got hit in the head with Bott with a what a bottle a bottle oh Cy [ __ ] so it's can it's doublin quite dangerous you would say yeah but I just look I just don't care anymore so I just attack it so I go into attack all right bu well thanks for the interview wish you all the best take care BL [Music] I'm homeless I'm I'm ch Check my vlog on Please subscribe to my channels English - Polish Zupa's walks Music Silesian Schalger Find me on Facebook Twitter Instagram Tiktok #dublin #ireland #england #london #homeless #homelessness #uk #english #dailyvlog


 Join this channel to get access to perks: . .

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Vlog in text: excuse me my friend you had a good night tonight I tried I did I had a great night tonight yeah where you from from Dublin man from Dublin where you do you usually party uh Southside Southside River Wheeling not Temple no not Temple bear too expensive Temple bear too expensive yeah yeah too expensive Tempa bear don't go to don't go to Tempa bear go to Wheeling go to pmax go to against the grain go to uh wax Street that's the area you want to be in you know what I mean that's going to work for you man yeah uh so no Temple Bar in Dublin you no no no that's not that's not where the culture is Temple Bar is not the culture of Dublin the Dublin is in the small pubs you need to find them and when you find them they are perfect and the best point of Guinness trust me f Point against us how much do you charge for your Rea depend depend where you going for example normally 10 15 swords 155 15 for swords like we may T that we may take that Richa tonight to sort cuz that's where my valdi friend is from so we may take to s for 15 let me know howdi what you about for me I don't know exact address I don't know exact address cuz I'm playing with my friend the add what's the address for swords cuz the guy I'm I'm sitting in the [Music] r folks I'm already on the I'm going all [Music] right away sorry enjoy sorry about that far away the battery you know enjoy have home where you froma R Costa Rica Puerto Rico sorry about that there come to Dublin come to Dublin Habib is it a good place to come it's a nice place we have we have nice [ __ ] [Music] here [Music] [Music] it's Samuel Patrick Paul mallister leader of the Roman army and conqueror of many and I will have my revenge and this next pleas sorry L please later later my body just went upstairs yeah with a light sorry but I have to get used to the the the Irish accent you know something Irish accent where you from Toronto Canada Toronto Canada what you me baby [Music] folks you can even have [Music] a happy birthday DJ miners DJ miners oh this is my brother from Kenya from Nairobi sha with us here what's your name my friend Musa Musa from Nairobi yeah from Nairobi what's your highlight of the party highlight of the party the music man I was even shocked I was surprised to see Polish people here I know T from Poland like Leia waro and what listen this is my this is my who [Music] this is my that's the only I call [Music] him yeah is these things like you put like the food is a really nice place look at that all righty what's wrong what wrong hey any problems over there or what hey folks this is Dublin after midnight it's crazy good prices here thank you very much folks where you no way what are you doing here all the way from London what youing what can you eat here yeah you can eat what would you recommend my vlogger super the local the in this menu border you can see here thank you you can see the all right all right s I never get used to wearing the blacka you know it bothers people okay your what you trying what you trying a good place to buy food I'm Ving Super Pizza is all right it's a garlic bread garlic yeah with cheese and okay looks like pizza to me do you want some no I'm going we're going get some more and I'm here with Ella Russell you need to subscribe to vlogger Zur zup vogg Z subscribe thank you you're not having anything a good place pizza all right you know don't know what you're waiting for excited well hope you like your surprise surprise is taking what are we taking what did you do today huh what is your YouTube name uh zupa Vlog Z zupa Vlog yes yes that's my name yes Za yes we go for the you know what at the moment we just go for the chips chicken chips carry chips carry Chips please we go for carry chips in this place in the temple yes my friend how long you've been working in the temple about how is it fantastic you like it of course yes a lot of troubles at night drunk people like myself oh not really not we enjoy we enjoy our job enjoy your job I hope you serve good food as well vlogger Z just like trying to advertise this place yeah for the for the you're a competitor right have you been here before you are a competitor no no no no no be careful guys got you you enjoy good food here you've been here many times many times and always good what' you go for sir what you chicken I went for chicken car to start with from he tells me a story no there's someone searching okay so FBI Z is getting this one lovely thank you very much are you going to get this one as well no you should car chicken carrots cheese right a good [Music] CL a good night girls you Ving yeah where you from hi everyone I'm from Liverpool oh my God is this for YouTube hi hi guys um I'm Lauren follow me on Instagram let go on the bridge cuz the light brid okay on the bridge um hi guys we're from Liverpool what's this YouTube for h vlogger z vloggers this is vlogger super they're really super pool andse are you enjoying yourself tonight a good place to come for you from Liverpool how is Liverpool Li is amaz as well iest next time vloggers s with Jess and Lauren here we go thanks cheers [ __ ] super Vlog I swear on your Vlog couple of weeks it will be there can I take a photo so I can like watch where those okay I just made up your cloud is this a video this is zupa Vlog okay can I just take a photo of your hello this is vlogger zupa from Dublin it's a good place to party is it it's good place to party have I seen you on the airport D in the airport he how did you go through the through the check did you catch the plane 3 hours late listen you need to now subscribe me this is the second time you see me Z is is in Dublin and your dad what's your name ran ran yeah well my plane ran I met ran on the airport and now I'm meeting her again in the town folks the next day so what's your what's your Instagram handles find an X you can fire she had difficulties to get through but she made it and she's in Du now all the best good to see you yeah vogg Z is in the town where you from Brother Poland Poland Poland my friend from Poland right let's get them let's get them he from Dan be do you know Le airport yes yes the name of youger z zg z z z is [Laughter] in vogg yes vogg super let's go you come let's go where are we going we will be following you right C look at this man he's got some some SKS zupa Vlog that's the one man what's it what's it zupa Vlog boys got the channel can I take a picture of it yeah take a picture of me I'm a famous man now I even made my made my name sorry I made my name in Dublin all the best see you on YouTube N See You Chow adios amigos papa is that 24-hour shop it is indeed darl is that a good one I could tell you h just know it's open all right you are you all right darling well I'm tapping swe oh see you don't smoke chance no I don't okay no problem swe thank you anyway I'm just recording you know how long you are you homeless life H living in condemn flat the M trying to get done by the state struggling day in day out just keep going the government has been sh to my benefits have destroyed it your benefits my BS blind pen man blind P busy impaired hi how swee how are you honey I'm good trying to get smoke at the moment oh my [ __ ] God I cannot help youa you're he said he was because a man is homeless doesn't mean he's abusing the substances I've been in and out of hostels and I've been living in tents um so I'll together probably on the streets probably 5 years you say I'm not blind I'm a con artist and a fake and a phony I went into care of the hsse and I went from care home to care home in high proportion of them are probably DRS right and crack ARS crack cocaine you problem and and heroin I don't when I was a kid that I had to get my sisters out of the house because the house went on fire and I was the only one that cuz the rest of them were all underneath me my age and my M my dad and my little brother died in the fire I'm an alcoholic but I haven't drank in N months and I went to a bad time with drink and that and got to drugs and that and [Music] just that's fire in hard as hell [Applause] you you get know where are we Kebab is that a good one nice one all the best folks thank you for posing thank you for pict no listen you had a good night or not no cuz I'm just visiting Dublin for a night I don't congratulations like is Dublin a good place to go out yeah yes would you recommend Dublin yeah it's good it's good yeah what about would you recommend everywhere late you know you can go across the road Circle K get some vapes go down there McDonald's Burger King go down there you find the club go up there you can find the bus station you get me lots of stuff to do like lots of good thing places to go right all right I'm vlogger zupa please subscribe to vlogger zupa and vog yes no you sh sh all right to know that where you originally from girls I'm originally from where I'm South Sudan South Sudan South Sudan the what did she said I I don't know where she from I just met her today I just I just met her today um I met her in um beggar King over there so I don't really know where she's from excuse me lady what was your name again I just met you her name is Rebecca her name is Rebecca um but I think she's from Johannesburg you know Johannesburg actually I'm from I'm actually from um South Africa and I originated in I originated in cap Town um yeah my name is Fila B and I really um house my name is and my S my long sister is buing my boyfriend is KB and I live a long life of um um just Adventure I was kidnapped at a young age and I found my mom my real mom is pang's Mom you know it was a whole story but whatever you know she got she got switched at best so she ended up with a different mother KB's mom is running a whole scheme of things and it's very very very very strange but yep Dublin come to Dublin come to Dublin I'm deing you like it to in Dublin yeah I'm visiting my friend staying with my friend you recording for it's YouTube it's my YouTube channel when are you posting the Vlog everybody subscrib like thank you when are sub subscri South Sudan South Africa in come to come to been to zanar house the Zan the East African part Place Sor East African oh no I haven't but my cousin my cousin ziko he's been there he was telling me about it last week said it was really good good like all African Vibes afri is my fav country Africa my speak I'm not sheth Sudan get right I'm South Africa I speak Swahili hak no you don't from South Africa yes I'm from South Africa I speak SW speak you know South Africa we have very very so many rest of my days okay [Music] philosophy [Music] I hey blmm what's that Black Liv met oh my God you could see yeah oh my God we'll see you later vlogger by vloggera we're going to the bus now all right your St thanks a lot fol that way or this way done so much we hope to see the Vlog next week I will try to edit that as soon as I can vlogger Z subscribe sub to subscribe to Vlog Chow hey wow look at that folks all right cool where you from uh Zimbabwe Zimbabwe yes let's see you bless you all right Min minor s minor 60 thank you my friend he [Music] J vlog [Music] Vlog was a boy that wasn't [Music] oil Check my vlog on Please subscribe to my channels English - Polish Zupa's walks Music Silesian Schalger Find me on Facebook Twitter Instagram Tiktok #england #london #homeless #homelessness #uk #english #dailyvlog