Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Australians in London - Interview with Zupa

 Chris and Piper came and stayed with me for a week. Find out what they think about London.

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Yo folks this is your boy zupa and today I have with me Piper and Chris my guest from Australia thank you very much thank you folks so how how have you been and tell me more about yourself good it's been good this is my first time in London so it's exciting um I've only really scratched the surface of City because it's massive um but it's been exciting exciting what was the the main factor that brought you to London um I've always wanted to come don't say it was availability to stay with me that was also good that was a bonus um but it just just a friend we're gonna be here at the same time and I am going home as well and this was the cheapest place of Life yeah it's the cheapest spot in Australia it was a good excuse to come and spit spend a bit of time here and yeah I've yeah I've always wanted to come to London so it's exciting that I'm finally here first time right first time that's not your first time Christmas yes it's my second time so I came about this time last year um in about September so for about three weeks but uh I was in Europe and I thought I'd like to finish my trip back in London so folks where in Australia do you come from I'm from Newcastle uh which is in New South Wales about two hours north of Sydney two hours yeah Regional City yeah with lots of beaches beaches and all that yeah there's one in England as well yeah yeah we got a bit more sun nice one and I'm from Sunshine Coast in Queensland and that's like you've told me that's like all Queensland that's that's not very close to to Newcastle yeah maybe uh 10 hours drive yeah that's long that's long like in Europe it's like five countries yeah yeah you can get it it's uh uh yeah it's a straightforward drive straight do you fly as well what's the most like common trains flying I think flying is the most common flying there's flights in Australia yeah and very cheap yeah maybe yeah so a 10 hour drive is only about a two hour flight yeah so it's much better much more convenient yeah like because in Europe it wasn't like that before the budget budget Airlines it was buses yeah mostly buses was the the best way to communicate well we caught a lot of buses when we're in Europe yeah because it was cheaper to fly [Music] guys you've been here for a week what so tell me about the highlights of your visits and they're not so highlights um I don't really have any low lights I don't think except for I suppose I didn't realize how long it took to get places yeah yeah maybe that's the but that's not even a low light it's just I suppose something that I didn't realize before coming here uh it can take an hour to get to a different part of the city um and then highlights have been just exploring the city itself and going to all the parks and singing live music all right yes I I've heard you've seen an Australian bands yeah you're a groupie what's the name of the band uh flat lights so they're from Melbourne all right they were checking out right yeah yeah okay folks flat lights yeah and we um caught a few English fans as well um I forgot where but I think on the east side of London near Hackney we went yeah live music somewhere yeah a couple nights you like that yeah yeah yeah of course it's a good way to spend an eye out so definitely you've got some good weather yeah it's not a great summer they say but it wasn't done it hasn't been bad at all maybe it only rained once yeah so yeah and it's been quite um warm I think yeah good Park weather it's August come on yeah it must be this way we got one month next next week There's a carnival but you won't be staying ah Croydon Carnival no it's nothing else the biggest carnival in Europe oh wow next year are you gonna go oh yeah definitely yeah yeah I've also uh been watching the football here so that's been a lot of fun so everyone says what did you see yeah I watched Fulham play uh Brentford um and I watched West End play Chelsea yesterday which was great and that was in the uh the Olympic Stadium what is that it's very cool um oh I might get this wrong but I'm gonna say Stratford Stratford okay yeah yeah it's good it's great yeah there's another line now running that isn't on the map yeah Elizabeth line yeah yeah I think so yeah probably when it's like The Wider wider carriages uh yeah it's a very different kind of underground basically I heard you can get it to reading all the way to reading okay so far away this one yes and uh so tell me tell us about the differences you see between Australians and and British peoples because Australian is the Anglo-Saxon but there's differences like you serve me the breakfast which was with an English touch but on in an Australian way and there was additional things that things done differently but I saw the the fried egg there bacon that's that's part of the the British Cuisine is that you're still very much connected I think that yeah yeah so I think it's common to have quite an English breakfast in Australia but maybe just without the blood sausage yeah but yeah I think it's been called uh differences in culture um I was going to say differences in um there's a big price difference the cost of living is um quite High here to eat eat out and uh go for a drink yeah especially London would be yeah but they said this is one of the most expensive cities in the world yeah but I think cultural differences it's it's quite similar guys if you go to Dublin in Ireland that's even more expensive it's 10 euro a pint really eight eight seven eight pounds wow it's more expensive than here Japanese double in the price you won't get there by bus anyways you have to fly yeah um yeah all righty and what's your what's your plans um after this yes um I guess we're both going home this week back to Australia and then we'll be home for two or three months and then uh the plans to go travel again in Japan and work I would like going to Japan and work yeah yeah it was I didn't I don't know if I told you about places have Japanese yeah um so the plans to um uh work at the snow yeah can you write and read Japanese oh um Basics reading better than writing all right yeah right bilingual um but yeah yes did you go to any Japanese schools um as a child as a child named primary school and then um uh moved to Australia all right so yeah thanks God you you had the the the education at school yeah I thought it's quite complicated the alpha but it's for alphabets in yeah yeah suppose it's quite difficult yeah and what about you Piper are you going to get the yes to Australia to to Japan later to Japan yeah that's the plan why Japan uh well we worked there last year and loved it I suppose and so we thought we'll try a different um area in Japan so we're going to niseko we previously went to hakuba Valley yeah and um yeah we have a group of friends that are doing the season as well so it's just a good excuse to see everyone and work in them together for three months so and we only get I mean obviously Chris does it but the rest of us only get the visa once the working holiday Visa wants so sort of towards the end of that so we thought we'll just do it one more time while we can so you can do one more time all right I'm sure when you marry please you'll be all right I don't know about that could you tell me like your favorite music I always ask this question about like what's your favorite bands what kind of music do you like um I like my internet but distinct sort of Australian vocal sound like vocal Savage Garden uh yeah yeah I would call it probably less melodic than Savage Garden because I think it like says Savage Garden Kylie Minogue that's what I associate with Australian singers and they kind of like pop and kind of rockets yeah yeah they're just telling me not but the other ones AC DC yeah yeah um yeah and and I like a lot of them they're definitely coming yeah it's a small country how many of you oh gosh 13 million 13 maybe 30 to 30 million people I think it's like 20 to 30 million but I could be wrong you might need to Google that one which is not like it is it's a big country but there's still not enough of you there yeah yeah do you know how big London is population yeah it's 20 yeah that's in London 2025. you know that they say unregistered people are there so many unregistered people but it's about 20 million I would definitely say okay yeah 20 million our biggest city is only 5 million people so yeah it's a good game but it was a shame um England couldn't win and we could all celebrate together oh yeah wow I'll be celebration for you yeah yeah this is an eye opener for the woman woman's football because I've never knew it's that big like yeah until you came and you asked me to go to see that yeah and then I see everybody talking yeah I said Marlene doesn't ever you know Melinda everybody knew what Melinda's yeah but yeah it's um yeah it's great to say everyone's so excited about it so and the English yeah yeah I am waiting for Poland and next time I wonder what the name will be for them white and red yeah yeah maybe the next one I think it will uh maybe a lot more things or something yeah yeah it's fine with me it's always disappointing to see polish teams because they qualified but they they never go to the like same final stages yeah yeah well Australia did and I think you did as a men's football as well yeah a couple years a couple years yeah yeah is there anything else you would like to say or you know you yeah well thank you for having us yes thank you very welcome it's been a pleasure you've been amazing guys it's a PTV didn't get to spend yeah a bit more time yeah more time it went really quick yeah the week it was great I've been very busy I've enjoyed seeing a different part of London all right folks remember to subscribe like and comment and if you want to take part in the interview with zupa let me know till next time vlogger super Logan . . . .#australia #sydney #usa #canada #melbourne #travel #uk #love #nature #photography#beach #england #london #englishCheck 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