Friday, June 30, 2023

Street interviews - Leicester Square - London, England - what tourists like the most about London

 Street interviews - Leicester Square - London, England - what tourists like the most about London

This time me and my friend Dean ventured out to Leicester Square to ask people there all sorts of questions. Street interviews - Leicester Square - London, England - what tourists like the most about London.Street interviews - Leicester Square - London, England - what tourists like the most about London. Also topics as #Brexit to #British #music. In the end I had a conversation with #Polish #migrant Slavina who lives in Canary Wharf and works in a bank with her mum Lena who just came from #Poland. .

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Vlog in text: Hey folks this is your boy vlogger zupa and today for a change I'll be interviewing people on Leicester Square because I got maybe a little too much into the homeless people topic this beautiful site of London that I'm going to show you today it's 31 degrees in London the hottest day of the year and it's only June it's going to be a beautiful summer and let's ask londoners and the tourists what do they think about the city itself as London as such brexit and all their Hot Topics so get yourself a cup of tea and enjoy the Vlog your boy vloggers [Music] [Music] deska skidus she doesn't speak Japanese okay that's it how are you I'm very well yeah enjoy the sunshine now well this is the first day of the summer so we all are very happy today 31 degrees in London it doesn't get better than this what about in China do you come from I'm come from the southern part Nanjing I know because in China you wake up and there's another city 25 million people living in it so you can't keep up with the Chinese cities I mean you're growing too fast how is that how do you manage that I don't know maybe just because the economic grows very fast like during the last century and now people there are very you know very open and we do business a lot that's why it develops so quick yeah yeah it's unbelievable you know China you're going to are you going to build the the wall around China soon you know like again another wall because you're self-sufficient if you know what I mean um yeah but you know the people live there we're very open-minded I think yeah sometimes just things happen but I don't think there's gonna be another war in the country but you stick it up to Russia to put in here your friends um um I I don't I don't prefer speaking to politics okay let's not go into politics what brought you to London um I study here as a jewelry designer I study at the yeah the Royal College of Art wow wow wow and in the future what would you like to do after finishing the course I would like to maybe start my own jewelry Brands here yeah in actually a few months because I'm about to graduate next month all right you've got your one minute to advertise yourself how can you find week how can we find you on social medias uh uh you guys can follow me on my Instagram yeah and I will launch my jewelry soon yes on Instagram no no no no no no we need your oh my name yeah my name is Cara Tao how do you spell it uh it's c-a-r-a and t-a-o Kara Tao Kara dot Tau and that's how you appeared on social medias yeah yeah right and do you do anything about the jewelry already yes I did a little bit but I I will post on Instagram soon hopefully we're looking forward to see you and uh what's your favorite spot about London you've been here for how long for almost a year and what's your favorite sports um I live in Chelsea I think Chelsea is a very nice area and they have all the nice cafe shops there and also I like the the eastern part of London it's very vibrant is there anything else would you like to say to people who are willing to visit London uh I would say calm London especially summertime let's enjoy it yeah definitely definitely 31 degrees in June that's unbelievable and one more thing I ask you could you ask these guys who are watching this one to subscribe to vlogger zupa please okay uh Please Subscribe subscribe the channel what brought you to London is very beautiful big city all right you like the architecture [Music] architectural monumento but I've spoken to you before and you said something about the music from the UK that that's the real reason why you came here what music do you like from the UK I I like beetles Beatles [Music] ultimate [Music] Adele Adele right so it's the music that brings you to the UK you like the English language music and British music is Big out there I always say the British music is the biggest export from the UK and this is what it brings here yeah [Music] my excuse me my English is bad no I I understand it's fine [Music] and laundry Carlos and Camila Camila writes the new king you like you like do you like the new King Charles see is bye bye bye bye London I we are go tomorrow from Madrid are you leaving tomorrow back to Peru to Lima but Madrid Espana Spain all right are you having a break in Spain and then okay magic and then Spain Rosales [Music] sorry my problem is make medical are you medical general surgeon General General Sergeant in Peru here you go this is a general sergeant are you working in a hospital or something like that at the Warren [Music] Hospitality social all right folks if you get hurt in Lima in Peru Mr Angel Rosales is there for you right okay thank you very much and I will see you next time Bank super London what do you like about London and listen folks if I have you all here could you sing me the French national anthem the marcelian [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you merci beaucoup [Music] where are you from in France is here [Applause] broke man myself a hundred dollars what's your ethnicity where you come from France all right yeah I know you're French but your parents but you don't look French to me so well American what about well I'm Madagascar like the movie Madagascar okay yeah you should believe merci beaucoup [Music] we're at Leicester Square there's the Odeon yeah yeah how are you I'm Dean my um Doyle 6000. yeah hello are you guys tourists yeah where are you from from Czech Republic okay um what do you think of London dude well I'm here for two hours so two hours yeah okay sorry uh are you so you're just scared and then you're going somewhere else yeah okay where are you going after this we are going back home sorry we were at Plymouth we are going back home okay so yeah so so you you live you're not you live in Plymouth no I'm from Chicago okay I'll see you here okay so um yeah no sorry I'm not very good at this yeah hi there are you a tourist or are you English tourist but I speak funny in English where are you from [Music] friends Okay cool so um what do you what do you think of um Emmanuel macron macron um I think he likes to talk to not saying much like all politics okay so he just right now he's not listening to us okay the demonstrations oh yeah about the um retirement age yeah yeah is that still going on yeah it is these guys are French do you know really yeah she's French sorry oh yeah you don't understand no no I don't cut yes they're the cutest yeah what do you do what are you doing right now we're just doing a YouTube video I'm um on both his vlogger super he's uh he has a YouTube channel and I I connected with him because he said oh I live in London is there anyone in London who wants to help out and stuff like that okay my name is Lauren it's Lauren okay I'm Dean Dean Dean okay Dean yeah uh do you have any questions okay yeah what do you think about uh it's a mess yeah yeah brexit yeah I love the city and everything so yeah that's not cool yeah no it's um it's kind of uh we've gone down Britain has gone down an estimation of yeah of the of the world yeah there's a lot of um teenagers or young adults who didn't want to practice Yeah it's true yeah they are paying the price and we are too yeah as the Young Generation of France yeah in general yeah so how long are you here for a week okay with my grandma okay is she French as well and she lives in the UK yeah oh no we don't live in the UK at home but you're your grandma your grandma doesn't live in the UK no we don't we just here for travel okay I see yeah so what else have you done in London another thing I think is May 11th time yeah yeah okay sure yeah my grandma okay [Music] she doesn't speak English okay yeah your family yes my grandma [Music] um no I don't at all I did it in school French Maybe [Applause] [Music] [Applause] um I don't know um do you have any questions I don't know what to ask yeah what do you think about London yourself sorry she's been here 11 times she she really likes it why you keep coming back to the to London to show my family around like London what's the best spots in London to see best part in London um Liberty bounds near the Tower of London it's my favorite one okay I haven't been there no no it's my favorite one I love it okay let's have good Pines and everything I love it we're going about the British music what British music do you like Classics The Beatles and everything yeah and the Rolling Stones yeah we love them we love them really and the new stuff the new stuff the new stuff too but I don't know the name of the artist but I'm listening to a lot of music a lot of genre it's Multicultural it's important do you think what's the best thing that comes out of the UK is that music my hint uh all the cultures that we see in the UK that's not most culture in France sorry there's no what uh culture different culture Chinatown is right over there yeah that thing is good food though doesn't it yeah but with French food okay do you have a Chinatown in Paris not really maybe a small one I'm not sure I can't I can't say I'm sure okay sure yeah do you live in Paris no the south of France okay sure yeah 30 minutes near the border okay are you tourists or yeah where are you from we are from Germany okay yeah Germany I I've been to Berlin a few times I like it yeah yeah it's really nice there yeah are you from um Berlin yourself no uh Netherlands you're from the Netherlands around about 10 kilometers and we are in the Netherlands from our hometown okay cool yeah um do you like I like the the Techno do you like techno not really no not much it was a what's up man that did like Autobahn and um and um you know the four of them with the with the the computer in front of them I I can't remember what they're called but there's a band I really like that uh they're German techno brand very early um [Music] not our music I don't know okay yeah so um Olaf is it Olaf Schultz is the uh yeah it's good yeah exactly okay do you like him yeah okay he's a good good man I think yeah and um what what do you think about because Germany is quite Pro European Union isn't it yeah I think so yes so do you what do you what does uh Germans think of uh the UK now that we dropped dropped out of Europe I think it's this same like we can travel here if we want to or I don't know how the politics are connected so I have no idea how they see it but I have no problem with that okay that's good I thought I thought Germans kind of thought less of the UK because they they dropped out of Europe probably the adults but not us the weather spoons over there and uh if you want to eat cheaply in London that's the best place to go cheap beer as well me five pounds we are going to moon and Spoon which is one of the weather spoon chains Moon underwater Moon Under the water and that's a good chain very nice prices affordable we can have a meal and some drinks over there so stay with us hey you say this way yes yeah but it's um my internet's not working now okay is fish and chips this is my name is foreign [Music] [Music] Polo [Music] [Music] Soviets man yesterday [Applause] is [Applause] London foreign Terrace Nation foreign [Music] foreign thank you very much for watching I hope you enjoyed this one please don't forget to subscribe like and comment on this one and I will see you next to time your boy vlogger zupa Check my vlog on Please subscribe to my channels English - Polish Zupa's walks Music Silesian Schalger Find me on Facebook Twitter Instagram Tiktok #london #croydon #homeless #homelessness #uk #love #paris #newyork #england #fashion #usa #photography #art #dubai #instagood #music #travel #londonlife #instagram #canada #unitedkingdom #photooftheday #like #germany #italy #follow #style #france #europe #losangeles #beauty #photo #architecture #love #charity #poverty #covid #help #community #donate #homelesslivesmatter #nonprofit #

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