Sunday, May 21, 2023

Meet Paul, homeless alcoholic from Croydon - Life on the Streets, London, England

 I met Paul on the high street in Croydon, He told me how he ended up on streets. He has an alcohol addiction. Check this out!

Vlog in text:

entire game this time we are here with Paul who's been on the Streets of London for how long five months five months roughly all right what are you reading by the way oh um

what freshliness is this is that any good yeah he's a he was a drug himself to death good actor is that a real story [Music] oh that one yeah I see okay I've got a live records just lay here read a book read that's all I do I'm not sure did you read it all um

well I suppose there's nothing else to do sometimes all right my friend so what triggered your homelessness yeah so that wouldn't you know hey I'm a street breakfast I'm rough I'm ready for it you know yeah he's actually at the bedroom at the moment because he's had a form of a breakdown but yeah I've ended up in in London alcoholism my parents were drinkers themselves

West Africa

the system's broken I'll pay tax all my life in the UK yeah born in the UK I ran an events company big company [Music]

all right my friend so what triggered your homelessness yeah so no I said whatever was oh I was because I broke my leg and I was drinking heavily when I gave one of my flatmates my card in the card number and he basically Stole My Money so I've got interviews with my landlord and now that was basically so it's like if you don't give all the money back by this point that was what that was five months ago yeah five months ago you were still like I had a place to stay yeah and things weren't peer-shaped and you ended up on the streets yeah all right what happened to your legs by the way oh no it's just analysis cleaning out the kitchen I'm up in the floor it's like chicken grease and I I just slipped over and you broke your leg and I'm not kind of Hospital

can you lift it a little bit hold on the surgery all the way down there so I broke my fibular my tibula and so I was just I was laying in bed

and I was relying on other people to go shopping for me and I saw how it happened it's just my fault you know oh that what it was you just she was going to to do some shopping for you yeah yeah your alcohol all right when did your story with alcohol started I mean well you oh a long time I mean I've always drunk about like I said about like 10 years ago roughly to say I love I got in trouble lost you know please came out of Social Services so I could be near my daughter anymore and I think that's what really tricky that's when it started getting really heavy [Music] you could just couldn't cope with your family problems so you say you have a daughter right well I had one yeah man


one day I'll see you again so so what happened to your relationship with the mother of the daughter can you tell us about that please

it was all I've said it was just say we're engaged she had two boys who approve his marriage and

I done something stupid so she had two boys before she met you yeah and uh and how long you've been together for about a year about only a year so it was a kind of short-term relationship yeah it moved too quick I moved in too quick she got pregnant and that was yeah and then we got engaged and it just I think it's a bit too much pressure and yeah I've done something silly I won't say on camera but yeah now is it if you kick me out let's move in with my mum yeah so tell us more about your childhood did you grow up in London uh yeah here in Croydon [Music]

how much to say really well did you have both parents yeah well so yeah a man raised me my dad didn't do anything just he was just there feeling awesome and the siblings one brother older brother two years is he all right it takes me every now and again but you know it's not on the streets anyway no no he's got a family Wife and Kids he's got other problems Family Man problems

he's got to take care of his family my support I think you know he's direct family I don't try not to buy him to him I haven't really got a lot of people around so my dad lives in Greece now your dad lives in Greece and what happened to your mum yeah so well she died um yeah about two three years ago got lost out lung cancer just very quick you know one minute she had a bad back about four months she died on box a day day after Christmas started to hear that that's just yeah we're very close but you're living together like no no I had my own place no I had a flat that's what I bought it it was close so I used to go around every weekend

yeah so it's just I don't then I mean covert happened yeah how did you go through covet so obviously I couldn't work anymore because of that I was out of work for six months drinking heavily because there's nothing else to do [Music]

pastry chef pastry chef make pies okay you know that's that's your skills right pastry chefs or yeah I always kept the cave in Industry taking this today okay how long you've been doing that for hours a couple about three years for the years I was butcher before that and where was that where was that Sussex Sussex yes so I lived there for about 15 years 10 years that's where I lived I got kicked out the reason I came down here I don't know why I came back here where I was brought up I thought we might be some friends around there and he just did work out that way I knew now I'm not as a stay here right my nice Vegas obviously I want to get back into work get my own you know place now so may I ask you you know what's your what's your alcohol consumption like I mean how much do you drink well that's my second bowl okay all right so about tours every day maybe two of them so it's bad I see if you like your covers yeah Brandy

is that your favorite alcohol that's easy whiskey whiskey but a bit cheaper no way Brandy is not cheaper than whiskey man never oh it's the cheap stuff all right that's a cheap nasty stuff yeah it's easy whiskey I don't know how I'll go into it the whiskey started off like a little like you know and then say I just got a taste of it yeah drink out the ball

I like you don't recommend it all right have you got any problems like with other addictions drugs abuse I used to smoke a lot of weed when I was with our teenager from to the age of 30. so I lost my fat really well until I got arrested what for well drugs all right you know I had a lot on me and I see someone I was on the train back for work and someone smelled it called the police and that's his history the social services came around and [Music] her kids away she was a good mum you know he's like because if they come I'll leave anyway so that was it really [Music]


hmm you know they they did do anything but it's just a thought they were there and she just flipped her [ __ ] lid yeah I see I see but you gradually anyway you said you you stopped smoking we didn't you yeah I mean she gave me all the money and basically stopped smoking or I'm gonna kick you out so I just stopped yeah yeah I've done it since but then I started drinking instead [Music] oh dumb all right my friends [Music] listen if there's any like advice that you can give to people not to end up like you what that would be [Music] uh

no I just you know just keep your head above water like don't don't take stuff for granting don't drink I mean I know it's easy thing to say but you know because once if you started you had and stuff goes wrong in your life you start to depend on it I don't know if you just but even if you go down you can always pick yourself back up again that's what I'm trying to do but you can't get used to living like how I am now you do you get used to it after a while then I just keep your head up keep drying that's really awkward say I'm not the best person I also advice but all right thanks a lot for the interview and I hope to see you see you soon my friend no problem all right

all the best

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Saturday, May 20, 2023

Koronacja króla Karola III - uliczne wywiady (Londyn, Anglia) / Coronation of King Charles III

 Koronacja króla Karola - uliczne wywiady z Danielem. Razem z Danielem pytaliÅ›my siÄ™ ludzi w centrum Londynu na temat koronacji nowego króla Zjednoczonego Królestwa Karola III.

vlog in text:
#[Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah is he going to be better than Queen Elizabeth yes [Music] you're very pretty woman can you see my wife please yes thank you excuse me can I have one question what do you think about your kick what you think so about your king yeah hello how are you today what do you think about conversation is foreign hello young man how are you today not too bad just what I want to say just I want to ask you about the conversation today what do you think about new king I don't think that much I just think that it's a you think so is better time coming back oh no better time coming back cousin yeah you think so oh no as in what do you mean better time coming back because before England it's been easy country now it's very hard for life I think it's the future but more than Charles I think William will be the future no thank you you're welcome thank you so much as well hello love how are you today oh yes [Music] all right okay no problem hello everyone how are you today sir [Music] not too bad not too bad yeah thank you so much YouTube bro don't forget yes yes yo bro can I ask you something please nothing is a channel Comedy Channel yeah what do you think so about cooperation today about new king do you know what yeah I can't speak on it because I'm in work uniform uniform can't speak yeah I understand you die yeah where are you from England England you're born in England very good Minds what channel is it for Vlog actually I'll give you later yeah you think so it's a better time coming back or no all right so that's not too bad but what do you want about the coronation no no no I ask you about the better time yeah it's like 20 years ago everybody be happy now is everybody cry no one's happy no more aren't they never no no one's happy no more people can't get along mate that's all it is people just can't get along in the world can they give the mic to the guy all right no problem sir I've said people just can't get along in the world can they better like jumping the ship yeah and stream two Somalia congratulations no you're on my face thank you hello love can I have ask you something please what do you think about the coloration today it was lovely lovely you'll be happy for new king yes very happy and if I want to ask you something you think so is there a good time coming back in this country or no I think so you think so everybody be happy again [Music] I think so yes so yes very positive now yeah that's what I want to say I don't believe for that Well everybody's opinionated to them their own opinion right I always feel that anything new that happens in life is always for the good because I think when you give positivity to the universe the universe only gives positivity back all right thank you so much foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] how are you today love I'm good what do you think about coronation today it was obviously it would have been better if it wasn't raining don't care about weather yeah yeah why because I want to be sunny it's supposed to be someone if you if you care about weather why you don't go today somewhere else it's like Caribbean or somewhere basketball what the lady thinks about Prince Charles sorry my friends yeah if I catch him a little bit a woman I'm putting this microphone in her ass yeah that sort of amazing yeah thank you thank you what do you mean what do you think about King Charles what'd you think of King Charles no he's I don't think I don't know I can't judge a bit by his cover Queen [Music] yeah rest in peace Queen's Bell yeah always guys where you from South South yeah we came just just for the coronation yeah you see did you see a lot of did you see the king I mean I saw a lot of people I've seen a lot of things seen a lot of people but yeah you did you didn't see the king not yet but he's going to Windsor soon so are you staying till tomorrow and you're going to Winter with the castle Yeah tomorrow yeah what bands are you looking forward to see I'm just excited really I mean I don't know who's on here yeah she's on tomorrow I'm coming okay thanks hello thank you have a good day yeah long live the king [Music] just I want to ask him yeah the plaster what you have in the upper right yeah orange one you put the district or no kid rubbish it's gonna be rubbish never come back that Time Prince Charles gonna be rubbish yeah I don't like him I don't like him yeah no no no comments yes thank you so much today big five thank you Uncle say something so why do you think King Charles is rubbish because I don't like him why don't you like him because I've never liked him I've never liked him do you like Camila do you like Camilla no I don't know yeah and listen what's happening here are you doing the man's job today I'm very hard working today but probably um lifting up two and a half ton rubbish I don't fight in truck I don't have money exactly where I go that way all right my friend what do you think about the new King Charles I know I think Espanol yeah is he going to be better than Queen Elizabeth yes sir [Music] all right you don't have much to say about it yeah okay yeah all right what's your name my name is where you from I'm from Gambia Gambia the gold the smiley goat no Africa Smiley Coast Africa thank you much about the question answered my question yeah have a good days foreign yeah you want to say something more um rest in peace Queen Elizabeth I've seen that was wrong [ __ ] bang [ __ ] um what else and what do you think about the king me you've been asking everyone but what do you think about the QVC yeah that guy said a lot more like me what do you think about the king what do you think about him Queen Elizabeth's with battle something more what something more is this a real microphone first of all this isn't real is it real yeah oh my bad let me see [Music] it's very foamy um what do you think about the king myself yeah yourself you've been asking everyone else but what do you think well folks what do I think about the new king well I'm not British myself and but I like the monarchy I think it brings a lot of tourists to the UK keep it keep it going because it's something unique a lot of countries give it up and you the the biggest monarchy in the world I would say the British ones so yeah that's a good job keep it going um I think obviously I can't judge a bit by its cover because obviously the king only just got coronated today but from what I can see so far is obviously Queen Elizabeth did it for many many many years she did it since she was young but the king he's quite old in a nice way so when he lasts long on the phone well he won't last longer won't he because he's already old yeah healthy to provide for the city but I'll try saying little city in the [ __ ] whole of London but I think it's complicated but do you have a phone number yes I have phone number maybe you'll make more yeah would you is this what you guys do just go around with camera vlogger please subscribe to Super Vlog hey thank you it's all right have a good day thank you excuse me sir what do you think about the new king um quite a complicated question he finds a he's great he's not great and I like be hated no no no no no no no no man just tell your opinions I'm not British myself so I I don't know it's I went to London today but I kind of not care but it's fine he he seems to be I don't know him where are you from friends all right and what's that there's no King in France okay do you think the British should keep their kings and queens I think it's important for them yeah yeah because yeah yeah I think the love they are king and it's it's fine like this yeah all right my friend all the best excuse me folks what do you think about the the new king no not sure not sure yet is he going to be better than the queen I'm not sure we'll see what happens all right foreign [Music] hello YouTube hello I don't have any strong opinions I must say no if he yeah yeah he's fine as long as he don't get us into a way he's not Prince Andrews wait hold on yeah please [Music] thank you guys [Music] [Music] come on get out yeah no no I'm good yeah how are you today can you have an answer one question please what do you think so about new King today good for him this dinner thank you the best answer today good for him [Music] it was awesome excellent excellent excellent yeah it was a lot of fun aren't you being so he's a good time coming back again yeah for sure it's all good you you've been very positive thank you so yeah thank you yes Hello friends how are you today how are you doing hey I'm all right what do you think so about the conversation today that was a little wet right yeah that's it thank you so much foreign Excuse Me Love excuse me love just I want to ask you something today yeah what do you think so about the coloration today we had a fantastic time thank you we were there we were there on White Hall what did you say about new king he's okay yeah I think he's great it's about time coming a better time coming back or no so he said that again better time coming back or not it's like people people every day they've been smiling yeah it was a good day the rain was the only spoiler but the atmosphere was great yeah I think it was really good okay thank you so much you did have a good weekend cheers love um good for him I hope he has a good time yes thank you so much guys yeah very much oh hello my friends how are you today yeah bro I want to ask you something yeah what is this about the new king yeah hello thank you yeah [Laughter] it was good in the future I don't know [Laughter] thank you music hello you very pretty woman can you see my wife please why are you say no I don't ask you ask your [Laughter] [ __ ] ninja house no no no no no no no you're okay okay to speak English all right King okay yes [ __ ] bye um call your mom um thank you excuse me can I have one question what do you think so about new king what you think so about your king yeah thank you so much I don't have more time um [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] thank you so much guys what do you think so about coordination today great I loved it in it hello sorry just I want to ask you about something what do you think about cooperation right yes it's fantastic yeah you drag me free or no sorry drugs it's been free or not I don't understand okay no problem have a good day how are you my friends how are you you're okay you don't care drug BP soon okay yeah [Music] how about you today hi hi what did you say about correlation sorry what do you think about congregation King oh it was good it's good yeah you like King yeah I I don't mind him I'm not from here yeah I'm Focus him as well I'm sorry I [ __ ] keep us well you know what I mean oh no okay thank you so much I can't use your time more bye-bye oh my mind thank you good afternoon love good afternoon yes just I want to ask you what you think so about the conversation today my accommodation it was very wet yeah it's very weird yeah it's very good and very wet yeah just I back to the another question accommodation do you have one room for rent no I have a girlfriend for rent thank you so much have a good day good afternoon love would you teach about collaboration today yeah it was fantastic fantastic yeah give me happy yes I'm not really thank you so much excuse me my friends you smoke do you smoke no I want a cigarette thank you excuse me sir just someone ask you one question what do you think about Russia you say sorry yeah all right thank you hello love how are you today I'm good me too as well do you like him boyfriends no thank you all right cheers bye foreign new King today we didn't do anything we just went eating yeah where to go eat Just Like Home you looking both friends anyway you've been very pretty have a good night love how are you my friends thank you very much excuse me my friend what do you think about the the new king oh uh I think it's great and yeah I think it's great is it better than the Queen Elizabeth is he going to be better than coming back or no before he's been better you think so he's come back that time I I don't I don't get it do you like before you know people be more happy everywhere in the street yeah now nobody's smiling oh I see I see okay she's going to bring the smiles back I I don't know where's your accent from I'm from America all right yeah have you just came just to see the coronation or what yes and see the one you're a big fan of the monarchy uh I mean I a little bit not a I wouldn't say a big fan but a little bit have you just have you came to see the coronation do you the UK well in London at this time we came at the same time yeah yeah what about you need the USU from from um Minnesota yeah [Music] [Music] oh [Music] Zapraszam na mój blog Inne kanaly English - / @zupavlog Polish / @zupadnia5861 Zupa's walks / @zupawalks3041 #koronacja #monarchia #ulicznewywiady #smieszne #smiesznefilmy #bezdomny #warszawa #poland #w #polishboy #wroclove #ycie #photography #photooftheday #wroc #aw #insta #mylove #weekend #myworld #polskajestpiekna #polishgentleman #katowice #zakochany #facet #singiel #wawel #trip #love #krak #polishman #bezdomni #jaktoogarnac #patotv #bezdomovec #homeless #victoria #london