Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Meet Gypsy Andy - 16 months on the streets - NORWICH, England

 We are on the streets of norch with Andy who's been homeless for how long 16 months this

time what triggered your homelessness uh breakdown in work epilepsy illness mental illness been out of work anymore things going on you know what I mean no one giving you any help basically you don't you see people sleeping and shock doorways but then they put other people up in hotels and it don't make no sense now I've got mental health he's got mental health so why are we at here so you had an accident yeah a bike accident you were on a bike you were probably drunk right from from from and you said you were a fisherman in Corell right cool Scotland Spain vgo France all over fishing you had your own boat no I always just run other people's boat but I got class on Skippers ticket take up to 500 tons to see two weeks of of what sorry uh two tons of what 500 tons of boat oh right 500 T Boat two weeks right right and what what did you catch crabs and lobsters crabs and lobsters yeah sustainable efficiency always always e all right and will tell us about your like childhood and stuff you know growing up I grow up in cor by the seaside by the beaches all corn was all nice by the beaches surfing wear boat when I was 12 we didn't go to school from a gypsy site oh you from the tin Gypsy tin yeah so I I made my own money by the time I was travel I had my own little boat which show you the R I see so no schooling just straight to works sker yeah and then Ed I wanted to go to school but the school would have me cuz I knew I was a gypsy they very Prejudice around here about gypsies all right Andy and tell me how is it to be homeless in norch do do you get a lot of like help no no the wrong people get to help lots of people pretend to be homeless they go to his centers and they give out food and there's people going in who's got Flats they got bedsits but because they're friendly to a people and they know them and they're on the list they get fed but there's people like us cuz we don't argue with them we don't get fed but we are actually homeless and I still I don't even drink normally but I drink just cuz it eases a pain right what about like a family you've got family and I have no family left now no family left sorry to hear that Andy s and tell me if there is any advice to people who are like you know on the streets and think that's cool is there any advice careful be careful careful dangerous especially this street at night we could go find somewhere nice to sleep and then some drunken guys for fun we'll come and beat you up and Nick your sleeping bag just for fun and that's that's that's their idea of a good night out uhuh did it happen to you yeah loot of times yeah yeah we got stuff next and all that what happened to your hand my friend just this just a bike got infected feet are bad too can't get get into doctors cuz I ain't got no address [ __ ] brother oh sry to hear that uh and uh if there's somebody watching this and wants to help you is there any way to contact you like a phone number email every time I have a phone every time I have a f someone will steal it see so the only way is to find you heing NCH on the on the streets yeah weren't always mobile phones were they people didn't used to talk to each other before mobile phones didn't they but yeah that's how that's how that's how it gets so you get you get pushed off the radar you got no phone you got no address and then you don't Des there so you're not a problem man oh right Andy and is there anything else you would like you would like to say you like to say anything [Music] John yeah you it all right well Andy I Thanks for for the interview I will interview your friend what what's your friend name Joe Joe right now Joe and I wish you all the best what did you say G Jo G Jo K Jo G Jo all right thanks a lot my friend all right do you know do you know Veron Castle yeah or he's famous it's it's all [ __ ] history fake history you know all right is fake yeah fake history you know when people tell lies that goes down in history you you OB know like being and all people get persecuted and stuff yeah he didn't he was he was inventor of a modern dance he's he a rich boy who wanted to be famous that's all he was I've read up on him I see richone rich boy plenty of money plenty of publicity all right interesting thank you I know better better homeless people are better dancer than him Vlog Vlog was a boy that wasn't o sin ohJoin this channel to get access to perks: Check my vlog on Please subscribe to my channels English - Polish Zupa's walks Music Silesian Schalger Find me on Facebook Twitter Instagram Tiktok #england #london #homeless #homelessness #uk #english #dailyvlog

Monday, November 6, 2023

Meet Richard - busker from Norwich, England

 Folks I just met Richard who is a basker and plays a flute on the streets of norch how long you've been doing this for uh for about 10 years now something like that 10 years Y and um you enjoying play for for the public I just enjoy playing for myself really it keep makes me happy and then if I can make a little bit of money at the same time that's a a bonus really yeah all right well tell me your story how you ended up in playing music and yeah I didn't start till uh late in life really I kind of went down the the road of what everybody does you know like getting a job and all that kind of thing but um struggled in that kind of uh lifestyle then I eventually I ended up being homeless myself uh was homeless for decade for over a decade homeless yeah was that in Norwich or in a lot of time in Norwich Cambridge uh other cities around B ex other cities around England um but during that time i' learned to play The Whistle so that's something that uh it's not a flute it's a whistle it's an Irish whistle yeah they call it a Penny Whistle Irish whistle I see um but if so yeah if I hadn't become homeless then I would never have learned this you had more time on your hands than yeah well I just needed something to do that um that would suit the way I was living I suppose and I heard a I heard a girl in Cambridge playing the the Penny Whistle it sounded great so I thought I'm going to I'll learn that yeah so that's why all right give us a a sample

please [Applause] [Music] d [Applause] yeah very nice very come coming you know sothing music for sure yeah it took me a long time to obviously I'm nervous now like to get over the nerves of actually playing in in public took a long time but uh I can do it now yeah well done well done and you said you started quite late when you were 20 years ago well well you were an adult already 10 years ago 10 years ago wow it's never I was in my yeah it's never too late I don't and you read you learn how to read music notes as well 10 years ago yeah start all started then yeah just through having the whistle and then getting books and it had musical notes in so just sort of all right Richard but for a long time I was just sitting in the street and I didn't I knew I didn't sound brilliant I me I'm okay now uh and you get you got a lot of negativity but in a way that just made me more determined and um and now now I feel it's really like and sometimes and really playing Tunes quite nicely sometimes so yeah you enjoy your music now yeah yeah yeah now it's that's a bonus in kind of been worthwhile like you know yeah all right Richard what tell me about yourself like about how you grew up and where did you grow up and your jobs and how if you don't mind yeah I I grew up in the I was born in goport in Hampshire U my my dad was in the forces uh in the Navy so we we did we moved around mainly in the south of England quite a lot um different schools and things like that um then I I joined the Navy myself oh I did 5 years in the Navy did you go abroad yeah went went abroad yeah went uh quite a few different places but I really I struggled with it cuz um I think obviously that was when I found out that uh I didn't really fit into the in the norm of you like well I mean just just a just a year ago um it's I got diagnosed with autism which is um is quite a spectrum like but that kind of made sense to the difficulties that I why I didn't really fit into mainstream Society because you you know you think you get neurotypical people and non neurotypic typical people uh and that's what I am I'm a non neurotypical person uh and the world is mainly set up for neurotypical people a lot you know so that expect that really did explain uh why I'm not I am I see so want recent you found out you're autistic and that explained why you were like feeling like you fit in to the world yes yeah why why I struggled in mainstream you struggle in mainstream Society yeah were you married and family no I had a I've had a um girlfriend a few girlfriends and that but never got married I see Richard all right and uh now you in norch yes this is my first time in Norwich uh do you know anything about Norwich about the its history and it used to be the capital of England Norwich it used to be a capital of England yeah London is now obviously but Norwich used to be the capital of England all right so the King used to resign well yeah I don't know a great deal about the history but I do know that um and yeah it's just a it's a fairly friendly Place noro say yeah so I think that's why stayed here yeah you liked it and you stayed stayed yeah yeah cuz I've been around a few few places in England yeah but yeah nor I think I also got tired of moving about really so when I ended up in nor I thought I I'll stay here now yeah and now what about the homeless people in norch are there a lot of homeless people here yeah just the same as any where else really um I don't really see many to be honest yeah I think you yeah you you probably will notice notice as you go around the the town here yeah all right all right Richard if somebody is watching this and would like to find out more about you about your music have you got any social medias no I don't I haven't got I don't do the internet or anything I don't have the internet I don't do anything like that yeah so so there's no no means to contact you or anything like that just just come to come to norch and is that the the place where you usually are here in the how would you describe where are we now oh this is this is uh since Steven's under pass but uh I bus in different places you bus in norch in different places so when people see you nor they may say hello they they see you on my Channel all right cool thanks for the interview is there anything else you would like to add not really just I said to you I was uh I was I'm a bit frustrated today because I'm trying to give up smoking so uh how is it going yes kind of it knocks your concentration a bit not you know how long you've been smoking for uh on on and off for um yeah since my early 20s I suppose but uh never never been a luckily I've never been a heavy smoker and I think playing uh the whistlers kind of help me yeah I'm trying to keep up is that the health reasons why you trying to give up smoking yeah it's expensive and also um yeah health health reason and how long you have not been smoking for oh um only only now for about a day really yeah a day I hope he's not like you make some money there and you get and you get yourself a pack of cigarettes or something well that's the Temptation I really hope you you will give it up and um manage to do that is there uh like what about like any substance abuse you okay about that oh yeah no I I have I've been down that road in the past but um I'm nothing um nothing like that anymore well done well done Richard right thanks a lot for the interview my friend see you on YouTube all right I probably won't see it but Vlog vlog there was a boy there was a Bo [Music] sinJoin this channel to get access to perks: Check my vlog on Please subscribe to my channels English - Polish Zupa's walks Music Silesian Schalger Find me on Facebook Twitter Instagram Tiktok #england #london #homeless #homelessness #uk #english #dailyvlog

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Meet Baren streets pirate -- lost an arm - still on streets - NORWICH, England

 All right folks we are in norch in East Anglia and we are talking to Baren who's been on the streets of of nor 67 years 6 seven years already

uh what happened to you to your arm my friend 196 6 I think it was or something um my arm got burned off basically long story not quite sure how it happened now I got B he's got mental health so why are we at here so you had an accident yeah a bike accident you were on a bike you would Dr right my arm got burned off basically long story not quite sure how it happened but uh ended up in hospital really forcing me to have injections and treating me the way they thought I should be treated um I came to next to a fireman who was dying got burned electrocuted or something uh then I ended up being one of the most intelligent people I lived on one of the roughest trailer sites in the country what about place called EAS Ross in menley um next to Cove place called Cove next to farm air show all right farmer air show no don't know that where they have all the air displays with the aircraft uh

anyway went to school like you do lived rough grew up like uh fighting and arguing all the time cuz it was a workers site at tackers and travelers and in that place where you grew up yeah Gypsies and all sorts cuz you say you've been born in Canada yeah and how old you've been when you came back I was four when I came here you well you you didn't come back you came to to England when you were four 9 years ago and your father is Canadian and your my father was a Bo Bell's man London Man London man in Canada I London here my my my father moved out to Canada oh they he moved out as well yeah all right with his father Baron tell me something about norch this is my first day in Norwich very controlling very controlling um not a lot a lot but there is if you behave yourself and you do what they want you to do then I suppose it's help but it's a very boring lifestyle very repetitive and very judgmental you mean that the police is is is kind of controlling all of it all of it they're all interconnected they're all on the comms we call it the comms because I'm ex Navy well I Mak a lot of things you I've done a lot of different things in my life um mostly protected people learned a lot of things when I was 13 years of age in 197 73 I was on Day released to two colleges I was going to a a secondary school they called a secondary school like a grown-up School mhm yeah not too bad not too bad yeah and uh but I was too intelligent for the school so they were sending me to two colleges as well so I was going to school I was going to one college and then I was going to another College every week at 13 that was 1973 right I was programming computers in 1973 73 you programmed you learn how to program computers already I was Electronics Electronics electrics electronics engineer okay all right so what went wrong in your life bar I got too clever nobody likes someone that's clever when you can do something before they think about they're doing it people don't like that because then they think that you are positioning them yeah they think that you're trying to make them do something but you're not you're just very clever you know and some people don't like that when you're that way and people don't understand you and you can see through them they don't like it no one can believe so what happened to you were working at that time yes I've done all kinds of work everything everything like what built computers Ro iron worker welder diver guns everything expert well not so much nowadays because things have changed so much but I know that all the theories I know how to make things better always don't know and when you tell people what the problem is and they don't listen because they think they're clever it makes the problem more complicated rather than cure it you know when you think you have all the cures then you don't because every problem has a different cure you understand I see so you were you weren't always the the the right person to to to give that answer no I was always the right person to give the answer the person that was asking the question didn't understand the answer right and how a bit yeah in a bit man you right yeah yeah all right and you know like in terms are you homeless well yeah because they made life so bad for me I had to give up my uh flat they gave me a nice flat I nice F but I wasn't free you know it was like being in prison but not in prison and every time I told them there was a problem they didn't listen because they wanted me to be the problem I see so in the end I said they can keep everything keep their money keep their flat keep everything I said I don't want to know so I went back to the street and you're sleeping on the streets I am now again you'all been sleeping on the street for weeks for weeks wow years for years now yeah in woods everywhere and is it always nor or you go to other places as well here because I got kicked out of Hampshire oh you you banned from Hampshire yeah you can't come back there they told me I I can't what did you do uh I fought for my family I stood up for my family and uh I fought against the authorities and people that thought they knew better because my family don't we barter yeah we trade things so you know a member of my family can become rich overnight just because he had something somebody else wanted trade Traders trade yeah like and they trade everything money uh Goods cars trucks you know so all of a sudden you can become rich overnight just because somebody wants something yeah when you're trading yes yeah even on the flip of a coin heads or tails ping look look what comes you're hungry oh bless you thank you here you go look a good Soul came in I only tell it the way it is all right Baron and uh well tell me about your education what schools did you finish and your your siblings your family how was that growing up motor mechanics um I've done coded welding pressure welding I built everything uh jcbs caterpillar engines boats everything everything and what about the Family Matters you've been married children no I've lost five women five of my partners died what five your partners died five women that I love very much and they died wow that's a bad Lu man what what happened to them they just lived hard you know bad luck bad they like a street people as well well nowadays the human race is living living in such a way they're creating problems you know with all the pollution it makes children born wrong or not wrong but you know it makes children mutate let's put it that way they're causing mutations within the genetic uh string have you is that the case no yeah this pollution is is hurting children so you reckon the human race is like in danger of well yes it's they're committing suicide slowly the human race committing suicide slowly yeah interesting Generations you can only poison something so long before you can't poison it anymore I see I know it's a Long View but it's been happening for hundreds of years and now it's getting to the point where it's unbalanced unbalanced right no balance anymore is that do do you read a lot cuz you seems to be quite of I know everything in the in the library I can pick you any book and read it I know the Bible back to front all right what you know I read something about the norch library about being like the biggest library in the area something it burned down a very small library because they don't understand what they have in there but did it burn down and and the people were like I don't know I don't know you don't know what happened cuz I just I I think nowadays uh there are telepaths there are people that can read minds they can read your mind they know by your emotion by the way you look by the way you behave what you are feeling or what you are or what you're wanting to do and by having that knowledge you become a slave you become a slave yeah because you're positioned like signs you know you see a sign like loga Zu You know that could be like Victory Leon on gang or getting gang education right Zone under police army or maybe provincial army or maybe political or maybe polish or maybe polish that's the Oney see you can read very well was it the accent or the name zupa the name zupa you know what it means um it's probably the name of the town no it means Z it's my nickname oh mean z basically it wouldn't take me long to work it out probably because it's similar z z I know polish I know Polish people there A lot of Polish people in this town yeah are there any homeless Polish people yeah there are polish homeless people you know some all right where can I find them well let me uh just loosen up a little bit and I'll maybe take you on our tour oh that would be great man introduce you to a few people yeah Baron that would be great they might not like the camera you know you don't like the camera maybe not they may not like well we ask them for permission if that's okay we may we may do something more because it seems to be like there's a lot of Polish people and they are homeless well you get the truth but then that's a lot of responsibility don't what I can take it my friend well maybe the the authorities might not like it all right well see how it goes but do you know anything about the medeval medieval know history everything everything was a because this town is do you know how they used to get a divorce in this town call their Mrs a witch and that's it they just call her a witch and then she'd be uh drowned and if she didn't drown then they'd burner all right that's no Christian all right that's interesting so that was a very like it's old time I I'm not just blaming norch for that because I think every country has had its bad times especially like the the the that period of of of of time yeah there was it was all over Europe the that kind of thinking and the The Witches were burned it was not just the UK I'm something they call a ghost warrior I know I can be there before you even knew I was there and back you had a c actor I must say I'm glad I met you you I'm 63 years of age maybe I'm 63,000 years of age who knows all right you think you've got the knowledge I don't I don't know how it began but I know how it's going do you know the end that's debatable we we we hope uh that the end is good all right and do you think a lot of these local people you know like local local homeless is a substance abuse problem here in norch not just that sometimes someone can become ill because of the way they're treated you know it's like if you're abused as a baby you never forget you reckon that the car on for the rest of your life if you feel homeless if you feel like you're orphan you never forget even if you're happy somewhere you're not happy because you know you shouldn't be there it's like if you get an alien crash land on this planet how would he feel lost probably but if you lived a different way and you have to work out a way to uh mix in to become part of the framework right imagine the suffering he would go through or hurt or it the entity I have two questions for you how big does intelligence have to be and what does it look like oh man I don't I wouldn't know the answers for these questions intelligence can be a thought in your mind is someone speaking to you or are you thinking it I see you understand me God you are a philosopher in a way you I'm the best philosopher in the world because I know what people are feeling and thinking before they even say it is that because you've spent years on the streets no because I spent years with nature with nature trees and insects I've been bitten by everything in the world I've had things call in and out of me I've had things call in and call out mhm mhm wow you're so spiritual Baron I try you are I try no that doesn't make me God and uh what your hobbies if you can say I read up on histories hisor of Polish Germans all everyone I know them all I know how they like history yeah it's taken a very long time everything on can you tell me a little in in like you know Short history of norch how it become a a city and I think Norwich is been involved in the slave trade in a slave trade I think so smuggling but then when you smuggle something you expect a payment that's no different to a slave what do they what did they smuggle here I know the East Coast everywhere smuggles it doesn't matter where you go everybody got their Smuggler everybody Poland of course Hungary Lithuania public Bureau you know it's this and that and everything Russia they all got their Smugglers you know Colombia Venezuela so was was a was involved in in tra in slave trade not necessarily but if you hold a carrot in front of a donkey what are you like you know the carrot and the donkey are the carrot you the slaver you Enslaved the donkey you Enslaved the donkey with a carrot all right so that was the the nature of the people in nor you reckon I think that was a nature of people all over the world to a degree to a degree well I think Norwich was a there's a lot of Agri culture here a lot of farmers was farmers in Norwich are very careful you know um North AB broads are very careful because in the north Brads they've got tunnels you know water tunnels in the north AB Brads and some of the best water tunnels in the world in not in this area in this area yeah what Farmers have water they things under the ground they don't know nothing about why did they build these tunnels um probably because they like the broad broads they like what the broads probably that's the reason why this town got built it's because of the nor broads all right is norch connected to the sea no norch is connected to like DOA um well you can you can sell a boat to by the canals to to the Sea up in Wales you got Scotland all around all right connected to the SE Piper Alpha Piper do you remember the or r no that's Scotland go yeah yeah yeah well I I I lived there for for many years G that's in Wales yeah I live there many years man I know back to and uh is there any advice to to people you would give who are about to to this country I'd say uh I'd say draw your lines and your circle be careful yeah no no problem oh that was nasty that was wasn't it see you got me so distracted still hour this is for the heroes for Your Heroes thank you let's see because you remember the Spitfire pilot in Poland do you remember that man I do yeah so what's the advice for the for the young people you would give those the Americans what would I say General ker died a brave man but he deserved what he got cuz he pulled the trigger too early who general kuster what did he do pulled the trigger too early with sitting ball so sitting ball surrounded him and poked his ears out with a stick all I didn't know that that that story and uh bar is there any if somebody's watching this and wants to help you is there any email address or contact for you get me out an orang yeah it's something like that I'm quite happy I go to Poland i' have a look brilliant I see what I can do not necessarily to Poland but even like the English people are watching this well i' like to go home to Canada you would like to if there is any Canadian people watching this how they can contact you is there tell the tribes that I want to visit is there an email address or phone number you have no no cuz they don't really well they do they use them but I I gave up on the network I gave up on phones and computers I all right so you be you are to found in norch near the train station I just show it the the place as a train station there FKS want go back home chilak in Canada if you want British columia that's where I want to go home Baron that's you you can find siek in it well that's where you were born and you homiek yeah hom all right my friend well thanks a lot for the interview is there anything else you would like to add uh sorry about that but I tried to tell them and they didn't listen and I'm done I'm finished well I hope people listen to you this time so do I thanks a lot my friend folks who do I meet legionaire legionaire from the Vagner group he says and we are just outside the Norman castle that's Norman is it that's a prison oh that used to be a prison all right well it does look like a bit like a prison no no now the Mason on the work Masons [Music] Mason I'm you attitudes I'm Join this channel to get access to perks: Check my vlog on Please subscribe to my channels English - Polish Zupa's walks Music Silesian Schalger Find me on Facebook Twitter Instagram Tiktok #england #london #homeless #homelessness #uk #english #dailyvlog

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Zupa in Norwich - travel vlog ENGLAND

 Hello hello and one more time hello this is your boy Zupa and welcome to yet another Vlog this time I'm in the Liverpool Street Station and I'm going to a city of Norwich in East Anglia it's about like 3 hours Journey so not too close see what the place look like it's a beautiful station so I'm jumping to this one it's a long long train is like 100 m long uh so yeah that's the my my train to norch folks I show you the

front hey East Anglia nor vlogger Z for nor we're going to be calling at Stratford chelsford cester manry ipwi St Market dis and norch we du to arrive into Norwich for approximately 1322 please take time to read the safety information posters and are displayed throughout the train and can you please keep all a and gangways clear and use any luggage racks that are available welcome to this service for norich is known for its medieval architecture like this one you know what I mean but this was actually built in 1822 by who by professor of of architecture at the Royal Academy build this sh Hall that was a hall sh Hall but this what you call it I think it's a Neo goic style all norch has got about 120,000 people living it's a quite big city you can see that on the High Street which is very very a lot of young people in norch because of the East Anglia University and they say 20% of norch is actually youth from the University folks funny thing we're going to see the beer festive Val norch Hall come with us C members to the left with Prepaid tickets all paying on the days to the right how much is the ticket sir H how much is a ticket I think it is £4 to get in today just yeah 4£ to get in is that free drink included no no no no you have to buy a drink you have to buy a drink all right all right let me see all right let me just go to the L do you have here my friend so we've got some really nice Al real ale we've got some ciders real cider and we've also got the world bar down in the Marquee and we've also got a curiosity bar which is a key keg bar a what a key keg bar so it's it's all right be that's comes through with gas sorry guys through on the left side is Norwich a famous place for producing beers yes yes the Hall of the UK is the Hall of the UK and you have good ciders don't you there's a lot of apples trees apple trees ciders is over the far side of the hall all right that's my my spot you got the main bar here in St Andrews you've got another bar in in black friers and then you've got the cloter downstairs where the seating is and the world bars down there as well it sounds so tempting I never leave this place once I get in but you have are you going to go in I don't actually know we notice that just just I'll tell you what can I just let him have a quick thank you folks just have a quick yeah all right when you get right thank you that's a lovely place you may come back later okay well we're open how much is P here how much is the Pint it's about the same price as what it costs in the local pub pubs so about a f anywhere from £4 yeah upwards and how long how long is the exhibition for it finishes today today finishes today yes it's been on since Monday since Monday yeah beer festival in nor local beers be from all over the country hey folks you see you need to subscribe like and comment and donate so zupa has got money to go to places like that next time thank you sir cheers enjoy your day you too Paul nor is famous for its Market which is just behind me you can get literally anything in there and I forgot to tell you norch is Renown for its fish and chips you see people are eating fish and chips and you can get fish and chips from many many shops around here and they apparently very good because you may not know that norid is connected to the Sea by canals it's not on the sea line but it's connected to the Sea so freshly supply of fish on a daily basis and this is one of the medieval churches of norch found this little door here look at that I love it but I don't think I'm allowed to go inside and if you're really bored in norch there's lots of shopping malls like this one see the medal fortifications all along here right I believe this wall has got about 1,000 years it was constructed in 12th century so nearly 1,000 years old and we still know the name of a Constructor not a Constructor an architect I should say being in norch you have to see the local park which is very impressive look nothing even there are public toilets in there and this is where ITV Anglia is located and BBC also and by the way Anglia in Polish means England so yeah that used to be Anga it is Anglia folks so I met a man who's very helpful giving me directions to the bus station and uh he knows quite a lot about norch you said is a lot of history here right yes yes goes back to the 1600s um we've got strangers Hall U which is steeped in history great place to visit obviously we've got the castle to our left which you should be a to see very shortly um if you come around to the is there yet there we go oh yeah we've got the Norman Castle right around the corner as we speak yeah yeah um so much history I can't remember at all all right are you originally from norch yes yes all right yeah so a good place to live oh it's fantastic place it's fantastic fantastic for tourism for raising a family umh so we've got uh shopping center coming up here um yeah look at we've been here before but there's a lot of things to do which way you going I'm going this way is our is station to the quarter here so car on then it will bring you um to the bus station so car on straight carry on yeah which will bring you back out on the main road and keep going and on your left you'll come up s Street which is where the bus station is okay and I for the whole visit I'm trying to figure out does norch has an access to the sea or not access to the Sea yes not the not through canals and stuff like that through the river yes through the river yeah all right it does actually all right so um yeah so you say I might have to go straight car yeah yeah carry on brings you back onto the road and then uh it's your well second left is Sur Street second left okay I be all right all the best all the best Cheerio folks all right this people have been really helpful and I carry on to the bus station live music [Music] on unfortunately I have to run this is Norwich bus station but coaches to London are not leaving from this station is being rebuilt just as well as I came here earlier and I have to go to John Louis shop where the coaches to London hope you enjoy the Vlog so far I'm going to catch a national express bus to London from Norwich that will take me will take three and uh half an hour of a journey to get to London it's a long one but what can you do today trains are on strike and I'm not willing to take that uh replacement buses I can't rely on them so I've decided to go by uh coach National Express cost about uh the cost of a journey is30 one way which is comparable to the train ticket if you book in advance online of course that's only from vlogger zupa that kind of information stay tuned just noticed how they rebuilding norch from a purposes and you see the the stones Granite they come on pallets but they look like the ancient if you know what I mean brilliant job they doing P pave bed PVE yeah pavement that looks old but it's brand new only norch so this is the bus stop for today somewhere around John Louis Place I should catch my Cod I made it the coach is behind me that's the national Express to London folks so zupa is back in London I hope you like that Vlog please remember to like like comment and subscribe till next time vlogger zaa vloger Z Vlog was a boy was [Music] a I heard a I heard a girl in Cambridge playing the the Penny Whistle it sounded great so I thought I'm going to I'll learn not yeah so that's why all right give us a a sample [Applause] [Music] please the streets of of nor about 6 seven years 6 seven years already uh what happened to to your arm my friend 196 6 I think it was or something um my arm got burned off basically long story not quite sure how it happened Join this channel to get access to perks: Check my vlog on Please subscribe to my channels English - Polish Zupa's walks Music Silesian Schalger Find me on Facebook Twitter Instagram Tiktok #england #london #homeless #homelessness #uk #english #dailyvlog

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Meet Christopher - is NORTHERN IRELAND in trouble?

 Ad hoc interview in a plane from Ireland to the UK. Christopher is a very wise man.

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Vlog in text: Folks we are here with an Irish man from Northern Ireland he's got very very interesting stories about uh the situation because being from Northern Ireland which is part of the UK it's um you still part of you still have the you can have Irish citizenship and don't have to have passport to to fly in and out but my friend what's your name Christoper Christopher was saying about uh the brexit situation and Northern Ireland going down here is yeah yeah like people who own businesses have you know discovered there's difficulties in getting items from Northern Ireland to Britain lots of red tape more legislation that they didn't have to deal with before and yeah I think people are also noticing things like in the Republic of Ireland productivity is much higher wages are much higher and I think more and more people in the North for look and we'd like a little bit of that so yeah I think people in like the middle ground who normally we're like you know we're unionists we're British or whatever even they are changing their opinions people in the middle like there will always be people you know who are very strong in their beliefs and they'll never change their mind you know they'll always be British the unionist yeah yeah and they they'll never change some of them but there are some people who are like maybe in the middle you can change their mind and I think some of them are are maybe now starting to think that it might be better if it was one country but I think it's I think it's a long way off yet I'd like to see it but I I don't think for many years it will happen well Scotland had a referendum for Independence would that be possible to happen Northern Ireland yeah so um the Secretary of State who is like the the government's the British government's representative in Northern Ireland he or she you know depending on who's there they are the person who can decide when a referendum happens and if they think that there's a possibility that a vote would result in a United isand they can decide okay we can have the vote but it's only their decision and you would have to have the the permission from London to give yeah absolutely yeah would they give you it it depends I think if things keep going the way that they've been going for the last few years it's a possibility like you never hear about referendum in Northern Ireland no because every time like even politicians here will say no we have to we have to calm down we don't want to see anything that could inside violence or upset people you know they're trying to be very diplomatic about everything which you know I can understand but um the situation the Scotland very interesting because um the British government allowed them to have that referendum and then if you look to Spain Catalonia or where Barcelona is they keep saying you know Britain allowed Scotland to have a referendum the Spanish government should allow us to have a referend and they never did and I think had they had a referendum in Catalonia it would have been much closer than Scotland my guess yeah yeah there they have such a strong economic case MH I know Scotland had a good case as well but I think people were afraid that was a shocker in it yeah I remember the Scots were like yeah we want freedom and then it's like no they didn't really want it want yeah then yeah Canada had a had a close one in the '90s to Quebec Province the difference was half a percent half a percent yeah to quec to become become independent yeah I think it was know that yeah I think it was in 1994 or '95 and they did the analysis of the votes they did some polling with people who voted and they found that it was actually immigrants who moved to Quebec wanted to stay in Canada you know they thought we want stability in this country that we've moved to we don't want to move to a place and then for it to change and become independent yeah was it was very close for them so right all right and um when you liveing so that was interesting that you know being from northern Island automatically can be British or Norther or Irish you can't is like you born than you British because absolutely but you you are allowed to have yeah so the The Good Friday agreement from 1998 which was like the pace between both sides oh my god there were lots of different things which came for that so like one of them was if there's a parliament then Belfast the government has to be one unionist and one Republican party they have to work together it can't be like a single party who runs the entire place so that was one of them another one was the the referendum issue so it was agreed from that that the secretary of state would have power to have a referendum but one of the other big things with citizenship that the British government and the Irish government would re nice that people in Northern Ireland because of the S situation actually could be Irish they could be British or they could be both you're allowed to have both mhm you know so yeah that's why like I think I was seven when I got my first passport so at that point that was after the agreement so I'm from Northern Ireland but I've only had Irish passports you don't have British passport British no so are you like what under you like you like like settle state is settle state or something like that I'm still like U still considered like in Northern Ireland you're still considered like a UK citizen because you're a resident there and you pay tax there but you know you're citizenship to Ireland is also recognized and okay I say respect it maybe some people don't respect it but most people do all right yeah aome yeah like we like for tax we fully pay into the to the UK system in Northern Ireland so like for me so I'm living in London now for me to move I didn't really need to you know to do anything in terms of like tax or whatever change my address but like you know I'm still paying into the same tax system for example and the healthc care system is the same also but so Christopher are you planning you said you planning to go back to Ireland was that the northern island or the Republic public enal I don't know I actually don't know because the the the environment you know for for jobs is much much better than the Republic and especially because I live so close to the Border like it's basically the same Journey for me to go to work in Dublin or Belfast uhuh so like the the industry that I work in um if you had a job in Belfast you would maybe get £30,000 a year in that job if you had the exact same job but you were in Dublin you could have 65 70,000 yeah yeah it's that big a hell of a difference yeah it's even even Northern Ireland to the rest of the UK it's much smaller now the thing about that is I've about that the cost of living is far less in Northern than the rest of the UK so the wages are much less I see yeah so it's a it's a strange strange situation yeah it's it's changing because of the brexit is is there's a difference there what do you because I I've done like interviews with homeless people you know the homeless situation in in in Ireland and and Britain do you see any difference in that um in duin it's particularly bad um it's been like uh in every general election in the Republic it's a huge issue you know basically housing and then the homeless problem is more for hasand as well a lot of people think that the government here haven't done their best to help out with with that problem but it's Al it's also quite bad in in Belfast and well all of Northern Ireland obviously but in Belfast it's quite bad as the pandemic was ending I lived in bast for about one year before I came to London and and what had happened was because the city center was so quiet during Co a lot of homeless people who were living to like on the margins of the city came in to the to the center of the city and I think a lot of people remark that they could see that the homeless problem was much much worse after Co than before but I think the problem was always the same I think the people just moved closer to the city center and were little more visible but again I think I think very little has been done in Northern Ireland about homeless also it's it's a huge huge problem and one of the problems that people don't really like talking about I think in all of our drugs and cocaine because that that's a severe problem one of the reasons why I think it isn't talked about is because wealthy people middle class people you know have the same type of cocaine habit as maybe people with less money have let seem maybe they don't want to confront the situation but like it's it's in every town every village whether it's rich areas or her are you living like in Northern Ireland Republic of Ireland and the UK you see like differences in how the government handles the the problem well I wish but we haven't had a government in Northern Ireland for 2 years so because um one of the agreements about brexit meant that there's a b the border that exists between the UK and Ireland is in the sea they did that to avoid like friction by having a border on the island they were afraid to you know provoke trouble or inside the islands so they put the Border in the sea and the British unionist parties in Northern Ireland left the government and folks we're just about to take off so I finish this interview with Christopher he been very very resourceful he's got the knowledge wish I met him before all right see you on you thank you Christopher very welcome thank you Vlog Vlog was a Bo was [Music] a Join this channel to get access to perks: Check my vlog on Please subscribe to my channels English - Polish Zupa's walks Music Silesian Schalger Find me on Facebook Twitter Instagram Tiktok #england #london #homeless #homelessness #uk #english #dailyvlog

Meet Dinu from Romania - homeless due to alcohol - Tales from the streets - London, England

I met Dinu in central London. He has been on the streets for the last 16 years because of alcohol. . . .

Vlog in text: All right folks we are here with Dino he's been on the Streets of London for how long roughly 16 years 6 years 16 16 years oh right wow so you're very very experienced to the life on on the streets well I pretend to be what made you homeless got right got mental heal he's got mental heal so why are we at here so you had an accident yeah a bike accident you were on a bike you were probably drunk right from from from cocaine from aoin from crack tablets what what is it that you sleep I can sleep everywhere in the rain in the snow doesn't matter for me is that where you usually see on the rain and on the streets especially yesterday coup of rain I sleeping there opposite tell me your story how did you end up homeless CU you said you you come from Romania right yeah and you came here and what happened I tried to make a better life than my country like many others and uh it was okay for a while but I couldn't save money at all I couldn't I couldn't so after a couple of months I end on the street I talk about 2007 and up on the street I tried to that was that in the UK or sorry it was that in Romania or in the UK yeah you came to to the UK and you couldn't get any job I had job before I had even this year I tried to have around more jobs more jobs but because I am addicted to alcohol it's not easy for me it's not easy I see what jobs did you do before well when I came here okay in my country I never work work in building but I was working here for a while you work as a in a building industry yeah constructions yeah but you you got but never in my country like a labor very simple things but I couldn't save money at all I couldn't rent is very expensive I couldn't afford it I can't afford it this year already lost four jobs just apply back on the street I was working for a couple of months sleep in the park go to work in the morning but it's not easy it's not easy all right you you were sleeping in the park and going to work and yeah every single morning what jobs what jobs in cleaning cleaning jobs yeah all right know well tell us more about like your childhood and about you said you grew up near the Romanian Ukrainian border yeah very close close with the Border yes on the border there life was good but there was no jobs and you came to the UK it's all jobs but when I finish my job in Romania my job was different it's not like here was different I've been in Army for a very long time sorry I've been in Army for a very long time in Army in the Army right Romania Romanian Army Romanian and United States well and what United States as well United States Army yeah okay how how come only 11 years 11 years in the Army and uh how did you manage to to fight did you to be for the US Army as well I'm not talking about normal Army I've been Afghanistan for 5 years you've been to Afghanistan for 5 years yes yes with the Romanian Army in the first place yes after that join United States Army okay did that impact you in somehow the Afghanistan war is that like a yeah yeah when when I when I finished 2006 I start drinking and my brother was here so okay don't kill yourself you surviv in Afghanistan don't kill yourself there because I start drinking so much too much and okay come to London a big opportunity okay come and come in 2007 after one year and it finished my army in 2006 it was okay a couple of months and then start drink [Music] again how much do you drink din know well actually I drink beer you drink beer yeah is that that that's your alcohol no Spirits no wine a proper Romanian you should be drinking wines wine and pink I drink oh you polish beard TI I like it yeah all right all right DIN and tell me you know in how is it to be homeless on the Streets of London well honestly you don't need to buy food there's plenty food yeah food is free everywhere you go even shower right you can get show do you use the S Martin's connections oh yes for many many years now for many many years yeah it's here around the corner they very good are in they yeah they they help a lot of homeless so you recommend to use S Martin's connection yeah if you're homeless to go to S Martin they help you out from connection they send you somewhere else for San mangos for example they send you some somewhere else San mangos San mangos is another place it's no place it's all over all over London all over London are all over see I see right Dino and uh so you say this food what about accommodation are you being offered like hostels yeah yeah why don't you go and sleep in hostels I can but I try it but even if I I'm a room I sleep down on the floor in the hostels I can't sleep in a bed I can't can't sleep on bed anyway no come is that all the belongings that you have here or you've got more belongings somewhere I got more I hand it somewhere okay you got I put in a bag I put in a bag PL right right right yeah safe the place yeah did you get experience any any harm from other homeless people oh yes I got this most of them are is not they're not like me most of them try to steal from somebody steal from shops is they're not from like me I'm Different my experience of life is different than than their that what they do just to try to make some money for drugs not me I got two children they don't know what I'm doing here they don't you don't know you on the streets no are they in Romania your children yes and they don't know you you on the streets no they don't know but the only problem you have is alcohol yeah you can't work because the alcohol is like you're drinking from the morning till night basically and you keep losing jobs because of that all right you know and listen there somebody watching this maybe wants to help you contact you is there any email address or phone number you have can you can say that now and people will hopefully maybe fellow Romanian people will will see you on the streets of London and feel sorry for you and now dino is going to give us his details so if you feel like contacting DIN and giving him even a a word of advice or what so my email address is Dino d n 9027 at Dino d i n u u 9 all right okay thank you very much but that hope somebody will contact you by email better by email yeah definitely and uh if there is any advice to people who are messing with alcohol would you give people an advice you about I had many many advice in my life I never follow them you think someone else somewhere else is going to follow the advice I don't think so no I'm in contact with cgl I will see how it's going to work for 2 years now I still work it for detox alcohol detox yeah I've been in AA long time ago but I I don't like to say okay my name is the alcoholic I don't like to say that I've been there so I stopped drinking for eight months and then start again in the Christmas Day for eight months you manag not to drink and be with the AA not at all yeah because AA yeah but you don't like to go back there and say that I try it again but no you don't feel like going back it's alcohol a big problem you think is like yeah it's the biggest problem what I got for you is the biggest problem yeah of it and you you're smoking as well yeah a lot a lot all right Dino and um where in Romania oh you said from the borders with ukra and you're usually hanging around this area if somebody wants to to find you in the in the in the city you're near the Leicester Square in London l Square yeah it's near in I know the area better than anyone else all right my friend well thanks for the interview and all the best thank you cheers I'm homeless I'm I'm I'm but I'm do ch Check this out! Join this channel to get access to perks: Check my vlog on Please subscribe to my channels English - Polish Zupa's walks Music Silesian Schalger Find me on Facebook Twitter Instagram Tiktok #england #london #homeless #homelessness #uk #english #dailyvlog