Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Skating DIARIES - Hyde Park, LONDON - street interviews with Andy Glasses

 This time presenter Andy Glasses has a microphone and goes around asking public some important questions. Location Hyde Parka, London, England. UK.

Check this out. Join this channel to get access to perks: Vlog in text: [Music] yep we're going to go and do some interviewing we're going to go and ask some people some questions about their life about current affairs what's happening today this is hide park diaries part two Friday the what's the date today brother the fourth Friday the 4th I thought it was Friday the 13th but Friday the 4th hi part skate Diaries don't miss it yep how we doing welcome to the High Park Skate Diaries you're here with Andy glasses TV I got one of the skate legends from High Park here this is my man Enzo but but Enzo here EAS he bear loving the place currently my guy lives between England and India so let's get his little perspective on how you feel when you're in India to when you're in England brother all to be honest it's normal you know like you're in a different world different dimension Two Worlds you can't even compare these two worlds together you know one world is things like [ __ ] and there's like people walking around half naked there's no rules uh traffic lights red you can go everything you know what I'm saying wow damn living in India guys you plan on going India be prepared for a wild time this is zupa TV and Andy glasses peace we out good afternoon how you doing I'm Andy glasses you are uh I'm Kiki and you are I'm Grace Grace where may I ask what country are you from um China China China both China Beijing by any chance oh I'm franch Shanghai and you're I'm from King okay nice nice nice now basically what we're doing we're just going to ask you a question about the current affairs in Israel Iran it's not political or it's not religious but um last last night or the night before Iran puts some missiles into Israel do you think that that's going to cause a war throughout the Middle East or do you think that there will be some form of Truth some s of verbal agreement to establish good question am I right yeah guess your honest opinion not too deep um because I'm not quite uh not enough about you're not really that knowledgeable about what's going on there yeah all right no problem and I presume you the same she have no idea who the political okay no that's okay well you know what at least we got two nice young ladies with very good manners and respect on our on our show thank you very much we appreciate that what they are wearing by oh sorry today we noticed that you're dressed in a very elegant way are you doing photos for a fashion shoot or for something in something back in China uh we are both Modo of a Chinese brand okay so what you're wearing is the Chinese brand yeah and what's the name of it uh doy te doy te yeah okay and are you doing the modeling or you model a photographer you're doing a bit of... both photographer click click click or a model the catwalk I'm a model I'm right anyway girls you've been fun you've been fantastic have a nice day have a nice day too nice to meet you nice to meet you thank you yeah this is zupa TV from H Park we out of here thank you how we doing one more question I got for you my brother recently Iran sent missiles into Israel now judging by how the State of Affairs are there do you think that the Middle East is going to go to war or they're going to come to some form of a treaty to be honest I really don't really get indulging much into politic Vlog vloger there was a boy sin there was a o sin [Music] Check my website and vlog on Zupa Media – video content creation, production/DJ in London and all over the World. Explore our filmmaking services for all sectors. We create original and compelling video and animation content, Original video content from concept to completion. We offer high end film production, live event video coverage & web streaming. Filming your commercial in the United Kingdom has never been so easy. Contact us for a quote! #england #london #skatingg #Streetinterview #hydepark #skatinglover #uk #english #dailyvlog

Meet HUSSEIN - a skater from Hyde Park - LONDON, England

 Meet Hussein, another great skater from Hyde Park

. Check his skills and story. Join this channel to get access to perks: Check my website and vlog on Vlog in text: Folks we are here with Hussein who's been skating in hide parak for how long I've been skating in hi park for about two years now so two years I've been Skating here it's it's it's surreal surreal is is the best way to P um everyone's sort of here to help each other out um when I first came here oh sorry I got this for you when I first came here welcome to hide Park these are the chronicles of the skate Diaries you're here with Andy glasses this is how I got into skating in the first place yeah this is my welcome I've been sking on H poot for about 2 years now so two years I've been scaring here it's it's it's surreal surreal is is the best way to right first of all I'm Andy glasses high at they have been coming to hi park for the past four to five years skate you Superman who's been skating for how long oh very long time very long time hi uh yeah I've been skating in hind park for about 16 years depending on the flexibility of a skateboard you can do tighter came here I met Hugh you might catch him in one of the next interviews um I came here accidentally I was meant to go to Holland Park and he saw me skating and he was like you're quite all right I didn't believe him at all cuz at that time I personally it's quite bad but yeah he told me to sit down he gave me a few tips and a few so it was you who told you how to skate actually um you gave me the fundamentals um I used to skate sort of just on Instinct uh to not fall uh to go faster not full uh Hugh to be honest gave me the fundamentals to Sol that was two years ago and you guys still skating together he's still around a legend that's it he is the High Park General he's the he's the he's got the highest honor in HP right now honestly or tell us your your roote to to the quotes you know how oh so um I started off on ice skates um I went to a ice skating event Le Valley and that was about 5 years ago 4 years ago ever since then I consistently decided to start ice skating a bought a pair of ice skates or figure skates um just that you know you got to let people know it was figure skates it wasn't no hockey skates no Bowers I brought ice skates the figure skate version um and then from then I decided I'm going to to be honest I was tired of spending money I was tired of spending money how much so every session was like 15 bound but because I was wanted to skate often it was about 15 30 45 it was like 60 a week just on ice skate and I'm thinking why am I doing that that's when I decided to get a pair of inlines um it was very nice um it was a lot like ice skating uh then I decided to start going to fix it which was in Wembley um which were a quad skating um rink uh where you hired your own Skates um they transformed me to be honest with you they transform me so the fix8 crew big shout out um they transform me um ever since then I've been TR I've been going from quads to in lines but uh I've stuck to the quads and I forever will I don't think I'd switch yeah you're good at quads definitely I'm mediocre well tell me about this place Emirates you say you sometimes go there right ooh um Emir is is a Hidden Gem um a few people know about emat uh the skating Community tend to meet up on a Thursday um of their own accord so everyone just decides they're going to go down to skate and starting skating there with the sun setting that was when that was when everything was it was it was it gave you a little a little little and yeah Goose BPS is the best way to it gives you Goose BPS um cuz you're just there and you're just enjoying yourself oh good I'm good but yeah so Emirates when the sun saying amazing the buildings and the paintings everything it's right right my next stop definitely it's literally it's for the people from skateboarders to inliners to qus whoever wants to just goes there and it's the whole Outer area of the Emirate Stadium well worth checking out uh and uh would you how would you how would you encourage people to actually come and skate in hide Park um don't be scared um don't be scared get yourself a pair of skates quads inlands it doesn't matter they don't have to be expensive they can be a cheap pair as long as they're your own skates you can sort of leave your house and start the skate personally it's a little bit of therapy to me um I think quite a few people will say the same it gives you ease of mind it gives you peace so yeah just grab your grab grab yourself a pair of skates and come down to high there'll be someone here to help you out to help you get better as long as you are willing to fall that's all it is grab some very these two yeah all right my friend you said that you from somal Land you know is somal land different than Somalia is it what's the situation now okay so i' I'd rather not go into too much detail in regards to it but somal land is a different country to Somalia some people some people don't recognize it but somal land is where home is is where the heart is where family is and that's where I'm from from you consider yourself a Somalian or we're not Somalian we're Somali the exact term is Somali yeah yeah somal land or Somalia both are still Somali in the end of the day so we're all the same okay but different is it now is it autonomous region or is it not what do you mean like at the moment is it like you've got your own capital or you part of Somalia so we do have our own Capital we have our own currency we have our own government it's yeah we're independent but it's just not recognized by some countries but to be honest with you we don't need people to tell us we our country we are our country Case Closed Point Blank do you know what I mean know all right thank you very much for your for the interview you have a good rest of the day I know you had been home it's a Pity cuz I'm sure you could say more and I would love to see more of your action you know it's very beautiful I think you could be inspiration for a lot of people think that beautifully you know it's amazing and it's more like a ballet yeah you listening to and well you're dancing like a ballet kind of but I know the the music for for the dances that J cage was sing was dancing was actually at shiran by the way guys and adult and AD do don't forget adulted and adult top above their own category that's it thank you Vlog vlog that was a boy that was a boy sin [Music] Zupa Media – video content creation, production/DJ in London and all over the World. Explore our filmmaking services for all sectors. We create original and compelling video and animation content, Original video content from concept to completion. We offer high end film production, live event video coverage & web streaming. Filming your commercial in the United Kingdom has never been so easy. Contact us for a quote! We offer videographer, DJ and a London guide services. we can take you around main London’s attraction and film you while there producing a social media friendly video afterwards. We can also mix and add your favourite music to the video. I can deliver full video production services like documentary films, product videos, events covarage, voiceovers and street interviews. Please subscribe to my channels English - Polish Zupa's walks Music Find me on Facebook Twitter Instagram Tiktok #england #london #poland #polish #homeless #homelessness #uk #english #dailyvlog

Sunday, October 13, 2024

WIT prowadzi saunę PAROPSTACJA - African BEATS festival - wywiad

Poznaj Wita, który prowadzi Parostację czyli łaźnie odnowy biologicznej. Serdecznie dziękuje za wszystkie lajki, komentarze i przed wszystkim subskrypcje. Jest siła. Jadymy dalej.

Zapraszam na mój blog i stronę ZUPA MEDIA – videography – content creator – studio – Street interviews – Travel vlogs – Poland & UK Youtube Instagram Tiktok Email Filmowanie ślubów, kręcenie teledysków i filmów reklamowych - posiadam wysokiej jakości aparat i drona. Zapraszam do współpracy -  

#sauna #polska #rytual #travelvlog #londyn #warszawa #bezdomni #polacywuk #anglia #uk #eu #polacyzagranica #polonia #londyn #warszawa #bezdomny #sonya7iii #tamron 


jesteśmy tutaj z Wi lucjanem który

prowadzi z witem lucjanem który prowadzi


saunę tak to się

nazywa parac jesteśmy


łaźnią różnego rodzaju w zależności od

tego jakie ceremonie rytuały wykonujemy


tu na African Beats prowadzimy hamam

hamam inspirowany Marokiem i takie


zabiegi serwujemy Co to znaczy hamam

chodzi oła w stylu marokańskim czyli o


sposób kąpieli parowej taki jaki znają w

Maroko czyli używają do tego dużej


ilości wody ciepłej zimnej rękawic piany

i my tutaj połączyliśmy te tradycje


marokańskie z Słowiańską wersją i

żydowską z takim szmajs z różnymi innymi


tradycjami o których teraz mało kto wie

i pamięta W każdym razie robimy bardzo


bardzo to błogie

doświadczenia za pomocą piany pienienia


mycia kogoś w ten sposób oraz takie

bardziej procesowe mocne doświadczenia


głębsze ponownych narodzin gdzie ludzie

bardzo mocno się są ze sobą


kontaktowaniu głębszych poziomach niż

ten fizyczny na nowo logują się do


świata rozumiem A powiedz mi jak można

was znaleź gdzie można te zabiegi na co


dzień jesteśmy w uzdrowisku parac pod

Warszawą podów


a w lecie jeździmy po festiwalach

jeździmy po różnych miejscach gdzie


Właśnie się pracuje z ciałem Gdzie leci

dobra muzyka Gdzie są fajni ludzie


otwarte głowy niesiemy w świat misję



saunowania rozumiem ale na stało

Jesteście pod Warszawą tak dokładnie


Marynin Strzelecka 12 wystarczyć par

stacja Google Maps na Facebooku nas


znajdziecie Szukajcie parac a powiedz mi

a na następnych festiwalach gdzie C


będzie można spotkać jedziemy na

zaczarowany festiwal do naszych


przyjaciół którzy też prowadzą taką

saunę robią troszeczkę inne rzeczy ale


też organicznie naturalnie też w tym

samym nurcie świadomego saunowania czyli


inaczej niż na basenie w skrócie bo to

co znamy ta kultura łaźniowska


niemieckim po prostu tak współczesna

kultura niemiecka Czy szerzej można


powiedzieć Zachodnia wygląda a

Zapomnieliśmy o naszych korzeniach które


tutaj są gdzieś można je odnaleźć

głęboko Zapomnieliśmy o północy o


wschodzie bo kraje nadbałtyckie

Słowianie ze wschodu oni mają żywe te


tradycje oni wiedzą po co tam idą co tam

robią robią to to są wszystko suche


sauny suche sauny rozum nie ma czegoś

takiego jak sucha sauna ja nie znam Aha


czy parowe bo sucha albo parowa to jest

znowu niemiecka klasyfikacja i ja byłem


w wielu krajach nad bałtyckich i na

wschodzie Nie widziałem czegoś takiego


jak sucha sauna sucha sauna taka

suszarnia gdzie nie polewa się pieca


Gdzie jest wysoka temperatura panuje

bardzo mała wilgotność i to może gdzieś


na basenie się sprawdza bo nikomu się

nie chce nic tam szczególnie robić


czyścić oferujesz wszystkie sauny są

parowe A mogą być też jeszcze mokre i my


na African Beats tworząc marokański

hamam jesteśmy w rewirze między parową


właśnie taką sauną normalną

A taką bardzo bardzo mokrą hamam to


znaczy lejemy Kuby wody na na siebie na

żałuję że nie skorzystałem Mam nadzieję


że jeszcze będę miał

szansę tak A powiedz jeszcze jak można


cię znaleźć na socjalnych sieciach Wit

Lucjan właśnie sauna per stacja bardzo


łatwo nas znaleźć Wszędzie nas

pełno roby bardzo bardzo


piesek gogi jesteśmy tutaj w

fantastycznym zespole zą z Helenką z


Natalią naprawdę pozytywni ludzie coś

coś coś pięknego ja ci dziękuję za


wywiad wszystkiego najlepszego No i do

następn do nas w międzyczasie Wpadnę


wpadnę na pewno coś zrobimy bo zachęcił




zupa voger zupa


Was a Boy

sincero was sincero



Poznaj pszczelarza JERZEGO - dostał MANDAT za handlowanie na targu - WARSZAWA

 Pana Jerzego poznałem na targu przy placu Szambeka na warszawskiej Pradze.

Emeryt z karta inwalidzką dostał mandat za handlowanie na deptaku. Reszta to historia. Serdecznie dziękuje za wszystkie lajki, komentarze i przed wszystkim subskrypcje. Jest siła. Jadymy dalej. Zapraszam na mój blog i stronę ZUPA MEDIA – videography – content creator – studio – Street interviews – Travel vlogs – Poland & UK Youtube Instagram Tiktok Email Filmowanie ślubów, kręcenie teledysków i filmów reklamowych - posiadam wysokiej jakości aparat i drona. Zapraszam do współpracy - #travelvlog #londyn #warszawa #bezdomni #polacywuk #anglia #uk #eu #polacyzagranica #polonia #londyn #warszawa #bezdomny #sonya7iii #tamron

Vlog w tekscie:
Słuchajcie jesteśmy tutaj z panem jem
który handluje miodem na

ulicy No handluje to za mocno

No usiłuje czasem
sprzedać słoik Czy czy kilka słoików z

miodem z własnej

miód nie oszukany

tegoroczny akacjowy
wielokwiat zarobek na tym jest

groszowy z tego co ja się orientuje

Zalew miodu z Chin z Ukrainy z południa
Europy No licho wie skąd jeszcze i ceny

skupu miodu są tak niskie

Pasieczniki likwidują te pasieki im się

opłaca do skupu oddawać miód w cenie ja
wiem zł

kupują ten miód

niepełnowartościowy idący z Ukrainy czy
licho wie skąd

i ten miód idzie w beczkach oni
podgrzewają do 80 stopni

ten miód idzie na
giełdę i to jest no miód taki oszukany

pochodzenie to jest prawda te miody z

wielkich ferm to są szybkie miody miód
że był pełnowartościowy on musi się

odstać na ramkach musi przez pszczoły
być no przerobiony tymi enzymami

musi zostać
zasklepiony wielkie pasieki No nie mają

No na to czasu ten miód jest

odpowietrzony ta woda która jest w ty w

tym miodzie jest odwi
na szybko już no nie mówiąc o takich

oszustwach co się słyszało dodaw
antybiotyki do miodu nie nie

sfermentował czy te pszczoły karmione są
syropem cukrowym i też to jest ale to

już no nie mówi o takich tych
oszustwach ten miód

który przychodzi do nas zagranicy w

jest podgrzewany przy przelewaniu i to
miód przy podgrzaniu do temperatury

40 stopni on traci

No swoje No właściwości lecznicze 40 zł
swoich jaki to jest to jest akacjowy

ewentualnie taki akacjowy łamany na
ale zasadniczo

akacjowy także jak pani reflektuje to

No kiedyś miałam pszczoły miałam
8 podwójnych

Uli 40 lat
temu to woziłam Po całym tym Ja mieszkam

w py Sandomierskiej Mam mieszkanie tam
jeździłam woziłam to wszystko ja to

robiłam przy tym i Wie pan co najgorzej
mi się miód sprzedawał najgorzej mi się

który się
ściął dlatego że ludzie mówili że że

jest no miód się powinien krystalizować
Dokładnie krystalizować tylko jak on się

nierówno krystalizuje to już jest
czasy 80 to był spanie nie było c nie

było nie było cukru więc myśmy też płom
nie dawali więc One sobie same

produkowały miałam problemy ze sprzedażą
t jak pani Doda do wirówki ramkę miód

akacjowy taki
rzad i miód rzepakowy No to już no ma

niów krystalizować Dlatego mówię że to

się różnie sprawdza ten no ja mówię do
swojego męża mówię weźmy to w garnek że

będziemy rozpuszczać szybciej pójdzie
ale to to było już nasz przekręt ale i

tak nie było cukru ale lepiej się wtedy
sprzedawało No mieliśmy mnóstwo całą

piwnicę miodu nie można było sprzedać bo
Skry bo

cukier Nie no miód się powinien

uj rzepakowy taki gęsty jak

wosk jakie to

teraz ale pan mi mówi że tutaj Straż
Miejska sprawdziła

pana m
na szczęście na nie

Pusza na szczęście na groźbach się
skończyło musiałem się zwinąć z tym

towarem napisałem pismo do straży

miejskiej odnośnie tych całych procedur


wczepy rozrusznik serca implanty w
kolanach Mam

niepełnosprawności wszystkie te

dołączyłem do pisma i usiłuje dorobić

tam na na na leczenie na rehabilitację
na leki i mnie stawnik przegania a ci co

są chronieni immunitetem
kradną miliony i nic się nie dzieje i

nikt ich nie rusza my kontrolujemy się
zawsze na tych najniższych szczeblach

No jedziesz tramwajem kontroler tu

rozstawia kontroler babcia handluje

tych co No na na na górze no nie nie nie
no nie

chc grubo się wyrażać Nie no ale

impetem sędziowie
prokuratorzy słyszy się o takich

sprawach po pijanemu rozbił samochód

wypadek nic się nie dzieje nikt

a ści się No tych dobrze a jeżeli ktoś
chce od pana kupić miód Czy jest jakaś

szansa na internecie jakiś telefon żeby
pan podał żeby się zareklamować przy

okazji No ja nie jestem jakimś tam no
hurtownikiem nie sprzedaję całych palet

no mę no mogę podać telefon swój no

podam p jest dobrym pszczelarzem z
tego w tym Siedzę już kilkanaście lat no

tym tak ale tak tak ale no to to nie

jest wielka Pasieka
tam Proszę

podać Nie no Wolę tak tutaj na telefonu
nie nie nie przy centrum Szembeka nie

podawać Ja mogę panu podać ale nie będę

zanem Ewentualnie mogę podać

portalu pszczelarskim tam na kilku

portalach jestem portal

Pasieka portal

pszczelarz tam na Facebooku Co BL jest
bluza A to jest mała za

mała dobrze Panie Jerzy ja panu bardzo
dziękuję za ten wywiad życzę wszystkiego

najlepszego że Sprzedaż wzrosła chce się
zareklamować naturalnie no nie nie w

dzisiejszych czasach to

ja lecę dalej wszystkiego najlepszego
dzięku Dzięki dzięki dlatego wszystkim

mówię wam karpe jem i do przodu wam twz
tej słupy gdż Tutaj nikt nie będzie

jadł świętne szaty dzisiaj wóż taneczne
buty załóż

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Meet ANDY Glasses - a skater and a singer from HYDE park - LONDON

 Meet Andy Glasses from Hyde Park. Not only a great skater but also a great singer. Check this out.

Join this channel to get access to perks: Check my website and vlog on Vlog in text: Meet Andy Glasses - i have been coming to High Park for the past four to five years skating that's amazing man how how has the scene has changed over the over over the years yeah a lot of newcomers have come to the skating scene in the past let's say past like three to four years the skating scenes definitely um kind of got a good following to got a good following behind it welcome to hide Park these are the chronicles of the skate Diaries you're here with Andy glass which is how I got into skating in the first place yeah this is my home welcome I've been skating at head poot for about 2 years now so two years I've been skting here it's it's it's surreal surreal is is the best way to put it all right first of all I'm man the glasses high at there I've been coming to High Park for the past four to five years skating you Superman who's been skating for how long oh very long time very long time hi uh yeah I've been skating in HDE park for about 16 years depending on the flexibility of a skateboard you can do tighter turns hello hello and one more time hello this is your boy vlogger zupa in today's episode of skating Diaries we'll be talking with Andy glasses who is not only a great skater but a very promising singer check this out don't forget to subscribe like and comment thank you Human by the way of thinking drives me crazy I feel like drinking through the week and then comes the weekend let's the Town your girls are my friends oh no cuz you think you're too nice I'll ask you once not a chance I'll ask twice you talk too much chat a lot bab at the end of the day we ain't nothing but mammals ain't no better than a her of cattle animal instincts we argue and battle like a pride of lions who's the alpha male anything that you would you try your fail let's get down and dirty in my house on thep the back of livine driven by a when Hotel be and any way you want to oh I'm 50 years old brother I've been skating for like 5 years so yeah you're never too old to do anything all right you know what you put your mind to you're able to do all right all right so how long you all together five years you've been five years yeah five years completely started off sort of doing a little strolls with the uh with organized group and then started Street skating amongst friends and addicted man can't let go of it yeah is a quartz or onlines in lines onlines sex look fit I guess we only just started and now you want to quit you got too much pride so you start playing up the champag in the freezer be quiet and because times have changed the man got a for career with Le interor guess I would get it if I had anything less with you to impress the situation by saying you're not ready but give it up7 steady I already I need let's get it all together for s quartmy highest video is like 40,000 okay well done that's is that on YouTube or no Instagram on Instagram okay well Instagram is so hard to to conquer I suppose yeah very much unless you started it 15 years ago in it first started you know like that's a time anytime currently now it's hard to sorry anytime currently now it's hard to make it yeah yeah I know all right bu and uh how would you recommend hi park for the new skaters do you know what yeah uh C down man people are more than willing to give advice on how to skate and nothing is like you don't create nothing overnight but yeah very helpful man you get inspiration from other people so yeah quite welcome to come down and skatee with us no problem do you come here often well it's like on the weekends mainly and sometimes when the weather's good during the week I might pop them once or twice during the week oh a nice one and you go by the name IG yeah AG Andy glasses and AG yeah Andy glasses AG all right well nice to meet you and thanks for the interview no problem thank you very much my brother have a nice evening thank you so much Vlog at Vlog at Please subscribe to my channels English - Polish Zupa's walks Music Find me on Facebook Twitter Instagram Tiktok #england #london #skating #hydepark #skatinglover #uk #english #dailyvlog

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

SKATING diaries - meet HUGH - a legend from HYDE park LONDON

This is the first episode from a series about skating community in Hyde Park. Here you meet Hugh and in the next ones you will meet AG, Mark, Dave and Hussein. I met Hugh couple of months ago. What struck me was that Hugh was helping you for free. Giving you advice about skates and skating freely and willingly and he had huge knowledge about the matter. I came back months later and recorded this video. Check this out

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Vlog in text:

how we doing guys welcome to hide Park these are the chronicles of the skate Diaries you're here with Andy glasses we've got uh an evening of skating of lessons learning of interviews of uh you know of life in the skate world that's what we're about agtv I've been scaring on hot for about 2 years now so 2 years I've been scaring here it's it's surreal surreal is is the best way to P all right first of all I'm man the glasses yeah they have been coming to High Park for the past four to five years skating Superman who's been skating for how long oh a very long time very long time hi uh yeah I've been skating in hind park for about 16 years depending on the flexibility of a skateboard you can do tighter turns so this man here Hugh he is the skate Whisperer he is the Godfather of skating we've got an an evening skating of lessons learning of interviews of uh you know of life in the skate world that's what we're this man here Hugh he is the skate Whisperer he is the Godfather of skating you come here he helps everyone he is he is truly The Godfather of skating thank you H love yes folks finally I'm here with the legendary Hugh from he Park is's here with with us you are known to so many people right yes B um quite a few of the skaters know me here I've been here in the park for 12 13 years now the quad's down the end I knew through um the roller disco scene that I used to work at which is how I got into skating in the first place yeah this is my home welcome here we go folks tell us you know about how did you start with your skating as a young guy started like most children eight um or so then got back into skating at about 14 or 15 with the Bowers the blue and white ones with the wheels I think most people know them as a quad there was no in lines when I was skating um we principally skated on the street and there were a couple of roller discos spotted around but they weren't big venues um Starlight Express for the old guys who that was an actual roller disco in Northwest London somewhere I believe so we used to go skating there skate in the street skate in the car Parks skate against other community of skaters and yeah Skate along here Oxford Street to cour do you live nearby or do you have Northwest Northwest London as a 12 13 14 year old put your skates on carry your trainers in your back pocket go you go so yeah h how long have you been coming to hide Park I've been coming to hide Park as a skater for about 40 years or so but as my work is now skating as a skate coach um 13 years right here more or less in this spot I would I so how can we find you online your your school and how people can reach out because you are a great teacher and I've heard that you brought up many many great skaters thank you uh skate um just book there and you'll get me or one of our great coaches somewhere here at the park when you're ready you see what I mean yeah here is amazing H can we see some of your skills now of course thank you no problem problem let's go


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