Friday, April 14, 2023

Meet Bella - she lost her leg cos of a car accident - Life on the Streets - London, England

I met Bella in Croydon where she has been living for a while. Please subscribe to my channels



alright folks we are here with Bella who's been on the Streets of London for how long three years three years and you originally come from Ireland how did you end up in the UK I came with my mom and dad and then my mom dad passed away so I met a new partner and I married a mother all right and settled down here in and how long you've been on the streets um two and a half years now two and a half years or like what triggered your homelessness my mom passed away I was living with my mum and when she passed away it was her property so we couldn't have the property because it was hers and they didn't still put his hair for two days they have two days that's it all right passing your mother passing and you're losing your losing the property you ended up on streets two and a half years ago or I started to hear that I said what happened to to within a car crash I broke my legs and they left their pins in too long and they turned to something they left the pens the pins in your leg for too long yeah and they turned is that the same and they couldn't save the leg no they're in my leg of my life all right was that like a fault on the on the doctor's side uh yeah because they didn't they never told me I need to get them out they didn't say you have to come back and get them out so they turned out except the same all right did you try to suit them it's no I haven't I haven't even I haven't even got off this year it's only 18 months ago it's on 18 months ago it's fresh so I was trying to get around my head okay sorry to hear that Bella Bella can you tell us more about you like live I mean you said you got married right yeah I don't really want to talk about my life have you got any children yeah that's seven seven all right where are they they live in the rough on properties they're growing up

oh they've grown up they lived in their own houses they're in London and you're not anymore with the part of the father of the children you split up oh no no over a year I saw you in the man that's that's that's the father of the children so you and the you you homeless together yeah and it's been always the case for you've been all because it would be very hard for you on a wheelchair to be a homeless person in a wheelchair so that's like for him to keep having to look up for me and take care of me and him as well so there's really not much really I can say I hope that I get off the streets we get off the very soon I just doubt dealt with them you know but I'm a street person so I'm rough I'm ready for it you know yeah he's actually at the bedroom at the moment because he's had a form of a breakdown but yeah I've ended up in in London alcoholism my parents were drinkers themselves

West Africa

the system's broken I'll pay tax all my life in the UK yeah all in the UK I ran an events company big company [Music]

and you you're moving on the wheelchair and slipping up the street must be really hard for you what is that very hard why are you not seeking help like like um Outreach Cam and they said they're going to come back out again but it says stay in the one one place so I'm waiting waiting waiting still waiting all right okay still waiting 18 months ago is that the usual place where you are now the the tunnel here because people do change here all the time but yeah are you I stay here because you told me to stay here who told you the outrage outrage outrage told you to stay in one place to stay in a one place and they provide you help every day yeah you seems very sad I don't like being on the street it's not nice ain't nice

who does that to you some boys three boys three guys when was that um three days four days ago where were you here and just came and beat you up for no reason that's what they do you think they look as like for nothing yeah I'm so sorry for your situation for you I mean if there's somebody wanting to help you donate anything is there any contact people can uh my idea every day you have no fun

and there's an email address or anything like that so the the closest people can get you is the Croydon shopping center tunnel and if you're not here no I'm always here well I've been here before I've never seen you or before well I've seen you before once yeah so you've been here for a while now Bella all right is if there is an advice to people you could give you know learning from well it wasn't really your mistake ending up on the street or losing a leg but what would you say to people

we're not a lovely hand sales just try and make the best of whatever I'm hoping to get off the streets really I don't like being on the streets I don't want to be honestly so Bella how was your childhood it was good with your parents they passed away and like that how many siblings did you have 13 brothers and four sisters 13 brothers and four sisters what

you don't hear that very often those days and you grew up in like a with your father and mother what did they do for living my dad was he used to train horses in there and training horses horses yeah and my mom was just looking after our kids yeah she had plenty to do and the day did you save them both of them moved to all the way yeah

away but they moved from Ireland to to the UK when was that and it's like 86 to look for work was that the just moved over here really and they took the 13th all of you with you with along well Bella I hope you you get sorted out and do do look for help with your leg and try to maybe sue them if that was their fault yeah and when I wish you all the best and I hope to see you see you soon thank you cheers

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Meet Andrew, gay from Victoria Station - Life on the Streets - London, England

 Meet Andrew, gay from Victoria Station - Life on the Streets - London, England

I met Andrew on the Victoria Coach Station a week ago but only now found time to edit this episode. Enjoy watching! #polishboy #homosexual #gay #lgbt #lgbtq #bisexual #pride #loveislove #lesbian #gayboy #instagay #love #queer #trans #london #homeless #homelessness #uk #love #paris #newyork #england #fashion #usa #photography #art #dubai #instagood #music #travel #londonlife #instagram #canada #unitedkingdom #photooftheday #like #germany #italy #follow #style #france #europe #losangeles #beauty #photo #architecture #love #homo #gaypride #pansexual #transgender #gaymen #gayman #asexual #gaylove #gayguy #nonbinary #bi #gaylife #lgbtqia #gayhot #lgbtpride #genderfluid #gayteen Please subscribe to my channels English - Polish Zupa's walks Music Silesian Schalger Find me on Facebook Twitter Instagram Tiktok #london #croydon #homeless #homelessness #

Vlog in text:

here we go boys we are here with Andrew yes yes Andrew tell us about yourself something ah tell me about myself

I [ __ ] boys you [ __ ] boys yeah okay you're homosexual yeah all right and you like your scooter yeah I like my scooter yeah I'm a street breakfast I'm rough I'm ready for it you know yeah he's actually at the bathroom at the moment because he's had a form of a breakdown but yeah I've ended up in in London alcoholism my parents were drinkers themselves

West Africa

the system's broken I'll pay tax all my life in the UK yeah all in the UK I ran an events company big company [Music]

you used to be homeless Andrew how was it there were a number of organizations that distributed food to people who are homeless very good people very yeah they helped us yeah okay and and were you homeless like here on the on the station no not here near the Strand near the Strand in central London that's where that's where you were homeless how long you were homeless for maybe two months if you were to give advice to young people who are on the streets what would you tell them uh please do not experiment with drugs okay is there a lot of drugs around here there is a lot of drugs yes what kind of drugs there are around here crack cocaine and heroin spice as well is spice as well spices spice it calls you when you take it you end up in a position and you cannot move you're in this position and you cannot move all right that's what spice does to you that is what spices yeah have you ever used that actually I have not used spice Avia I've used different drugs but not spice you try to avoid that I'll try to avoid spies yes cool man and if there is somebody wanted to reach out and like donate to his phone number or email they can get hold of you I do not know Andrew yes so tell where are you from where am I from

Nairobi Nairobi is that where you were born no

so this is an interview yes show your skills sir show us your skills karate skills my karate skill [Music]

s yeah I don't think this is right Nairobi you don't look like you're from Nairobi but the white people born in Nairobi so you could be easily from Nairobi you know I mean


well is it not allowed or what no this is allowed to film in the station yeah I'm outside the station I was uh

okay we

would like to say to the public I have no say I have no information currently

all right is that everything for for tonight then that is everything thank you a lot for your interview I'll see you next you're welcome my friend

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Meet Paul - Life on the Streets - London England - wife stabbed him 21 times

 Meet Paul who was stabbed by his wife and her partner 21 times. I met him on Trafalgar Square. Check this out.

Vlog in text All right folks we are here with Paul who's been on the streets for how long nine months and you said you come from Liverpool yeah how did you end up in London uh I did domestic violence relationship my partner stood me up 21 times what and left me for dead yeah that was in Liverpool yeah Liverpool yeah stop the one 21 times 21 times yeah in the back here but because I got rushed to emergency hospital in London to have a blood transfusion and I ended up staying down here they send you to London for the mental hospital no emergency blood transfusion from Liverpool yeah from Liverpool Hospital up to London and you ended up staying in the Hussein over here but I'm a street breakfast I'm rough I'm ready for it you know yeah he's actually at the bedroom at the moment because he's had a form of a breakdown but yeah I've ended up in in London alcoholism my parents were drinkers themselves West Africa the system's broken I'll pay tax all my life in the UK yeah all in the UK I ran an events company big company [Music] how long ago was that nine months ago nine months ago and you have 21 stops at the back yeah by your girlfriend my ex-partner yeah your ex-partner yeah uh well was she like done for it no we shot down a quarter in bed with someone else oh you caught her in bed with somebody yeah so like yeah and she stabbed you 21. yeah her and her new partner did you oh my God man so she got a long time because it's um they put it down to attempty wounded and attempt to wound him with a deadly weapon so how long will it should get well I don't know well I wasn't really interested when we've been on the shooting that all I got told is that she got put away and she won't be out for a long time all right so so sorry to hear that that is that's extreme man it's live television they say about women going through domestic violence men go through it as well so if you had a good relationship and then you found her with somebody else or was the relationship already in it was up and down up and down you didn't know about anything I didn't know about being with someone else and then what was that your house you came back to no it was well it was mine and hers did she know she she you coming back I don't know I don't think she did that night no okay it was like you were supposed to be somewhere else no I just [Music] going off somebody else and I came back and there was someone else in the bedroom so it's just life though isn't it that's what happens and that was that like that that trigger your mental health yeah because I shuffle everything called pdst anyway Jamaica Army so that should get the whole situation yeah it's a bit hard so well yeah being on the streets oh it's hard don't know me wrong it's really hard especially when people look their nose down to you and especially when people tell us to get a job in there but when they found out that you showed 15 years in the army they don't know what to say to you 15 years in the Army yeah so 15 years in the Army yeah when you were with the misses that was before that no this was after that after yeah I've only been out what two years okay so after you split up with your misses you went to the Army no I joined the army when I was 16. I've done 15 years in the Army and I'm only two years when I come out the Army I was I got with a because I was in at the time so how long you've been with her then right I was with her a few years before she stabbed me two years before yeah all right have you got any family like no children no no I've never had children with hair no nothing like that okay right so I'm not ready for children I'm too well at the minute yeah okay so like the symptoms of that one the symptoms cars backfiring like any arguments and fighting that it sets you off so well yeah you're being like uh you're seeing dogs like a medicine yeah yeah I'm on a thing called the devil sorry I'm on a thing called The Depot okay what's that Capital injection is that something serious yeah it should have been you know even I've been tablets on the shooter get a Depo injection mental health Deadpool injection who is injections after doctors doctors every month yeah does it help yeah tell me about these injections it's like every month and are you messing with any other substances nothing like that no nothing like that whatever even nothing like that okay what would you say to other people that facing similar problems to you my friend I tried to say because I can't say what the what the next person is like doing just that we all do you find it hard out here and it is a hard the hard out here and what's your name Paul Paul yes it is hard out here as well it's hot on the streets it is yeah but where are you sleeping those days here I mean everywhere have you got like sleeping bags yeah it's in my bag is that all your belongings yeah she stole him a bag that's all that belongings there right she's all in my bag oh okay Paul excuse me boss you've got sugar on you please what have you got a flag on you three one sorry but thank you even folks yeah I almost sleep about because I don't get out in the rain because otherwise then I wanna just leaving but I try and make the money a day to get into a hostel or even a BMB just so I can get a shower and a hot meal that's all it is what round here we say people do look the nose down on you like they're better than you but when they find out what's happening where you've come from they change their mind absolutely man yeah I mean a lot of them do think they're better than anybody everybody else around here because they see someone on the sheets until they find out what's going on and then they don't know what to say then all right Paul so is that that people like if there are people out there watching this who are facing similar problems in a relationship what would you say to them if I founded the warnings about what was going to happen I would have ended it but try and look out for trigger warnings in that is anything like that's gonna happen right there look for the red flags yeah and try to see them before yeah it's too late Alicia on the streets you know if people look their nose down on you just keep your head up because at the end of the day they're no better than you they could be in this situation one day of course yeah I mean they really could be in this situation one day right and Paul if people want to contact you and donate and help you just come here Tesco by the yeah uh yeah train station Trafalgar Square yeah it'd be nice just to make the money to get into a BNB for the night so this is where people can meet you yeah you know most of the days is that what you said I'll be night time yeah the night time yeah all right my friend well thanks a lot for the interview and I will see you next week Please subscribe to my channels English - Polish Zupa's walks Music Silesian Schalger Find me on Facebook Twitter Instagram Tiktok #london #croydon #homeless #homelessness #uk #love #paris #newyork #england #fashion #usa #photography #art #dubai #instagood #music #travel #londonlife #instagram #canada #unitedkingdom #photooftheday #like #germany #italy #follow #style #france #europe #losangeles #beauty #photo #architecture #love #charity #poverty #covid #help #community #donate #homelesslivesmatter #nonprofit #streetphotography #support #volunteer #helpingothers #homelessnessawareness #photography #homelesspeople #losangeles #coronavirus #street #endhomelessness #giveback #art #food #bnw #hope #life #humanity #mentalhealth #dailyvlog #vlog #youtube #vlogger #youtuber #family #suttonrainnguyen #kkandbabyj #cute #khoanguyen #kerenswanson #shoes #fashion #style #sneakers #love #shopping #nike #moda #shoesaddict #instagood #heels #like #jordan #ootd #outfit #onlineshopping #dress #follow #bags #fashionblogger #instagram #adidas #model #fashionstyle #instafashion #stylish #clothes #fashionista #photooftheday #sneakerhead #landonnyguen #khoality #jacksonkhainguyen #vlogs #vlogging #vloggerlife #happiness #youtubers #vloggers #funny #amazing #cuteness #lotsoflove #millionsubscribers #landonians #jacksonista #naynay #teenparents #loadsoflove #london #uk #love #paris #newyork #england #fashion #usa #photography #art #dubai #instagood #music #travel #londonlife #instagram #canada #unitedkingdom #photooftheday #like #germany #italy #follow #style #france #europe #losangeles #beauty #photo #architecture